Tapering and PCT/Hair Translpant/Army OCS

Please Read the whole thing!

Coming off TRT after light bnc for the last few years. Consisted of oral sarms and TRT dosages of Test and maybe a prohormone once. I’ve been working down my test dosage and have found that I just hold on to muscles and don’t really lose it, Dick still works well and mood and general vibe is less swingy than I was at 200 mg. I am still working it down and plan to do a comprehensive PCT. I am 24 years old; started experimenting when I was 19. so not too long really and want to call it for a while. Prob until im older and no more crazy anything, I’m too old for that shit. I have gone from a full head of hair to a NW2 However… Have been using prob like 2 servings of Kirkland Minoxidil a day, Ketoconazole Shampoo Every day let that stuff soak. I keep my estrogen under control for about 96% of the time; shits a true challenge ya feel me? Lost the most hair when my estrogen was the craziest and I was just learning how to manage it unfortunately. I was thinking of just PCTing with Enclomiphene, HCG, and Toremifene. HCG at the front, Heavy Toremifene, I have Tamoxifen; don’t think I will need that but will run Enclomiphene as long as I can essentially. 3+ Months PCT. However, hair loss and satisfaction with my size at the current test dosage which I just dropped to 90mg/ week and feel fine still; maybe better even; quieter but stil fine and dick works. Trying to stop the hair loss and see where that happens.

Big Question is that I have been considering a Hair Transplant; this is going to fix my hair which apparently people think looks fine and it hasn’t driven off Women so as long as I didn’t buzz it which I have but no big deal it grew back… Since I am currently on Minoxidil for the last 7 Months and will continue to be as I continue on… How would it work having the transplant with minoxidil if I were to come off the Minoxidil? I was looking at going to Army OCS and I am pretty sure that minoxidil is not one of the things that I can take but I’m not sure;

Only Ever lost hair on Androgens (SARMS, AAS) never had issues outside of that or during puberty or anything at all.
Another question is to the extent of the possibility of coming off minoxidil after a hair transplant.

What are your thoughts.

Maybe see if you’re actually a candidate and if this is a desired outcome for you - before having it weigh into your decision.

No i didnt read your whole post. You rambled a lot.

I’m a fine Candidate. I was in ROTC but didn’t want to contract because of the old vaccine requirement ; I can see the kind of people the go in now. I’m a fine, maybe even better than most candidate.

I’m a senior at Texas Tech BS International Economics, BA Criminology 3.0GPA.

My understanding was 4.0, but i never really looked into officer stuff. Maybe army was different, who knows.

Again i think it’s hinging a [right now] decision on a [maybe] action, which doesnt make a lot of sense to me.

I’m not sure why minoxodil would be something not allowed for military, though.

Ahh man. Army ROTC I just gotta say. They let a lot of people slide on Height and Weight that absolutely should not. They also have a lot of weridos it seems, strange people. There’s a lot of dumb people too; and then there are the competent ones that understand it is just a job and not a lifestyle completely, do good work and leave; and some are Engineering Majors and do the BARE MINIMUM to get by. Some of those dorks are the ones that you see walk on base and disrespect the CSM with rank and file or a Senior Enlisted NCO.

First, you keep referring to E2 and hair loss. You should rather focus on DHT and hair loss. Your two options to combat that are Finasteride and Minoxidil.

As far as hair transplant goes, they remove the hair for transplant from the sides of your head. Those hairs are DHT resistant and therefore don’t have the same issue. However you do risk continuance of shedding from the old existing had on top possibly necessitating another future transplant.

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