Close Grip Bench 77.5/172 * 7 (Down from 10 reps 2 weeks ago - at the moment I’m past the point of caring about my bench right now. When I’m deadlifting 300kg I’ll still be benching 100kg!)
Continental Cleans (been watching a lot of strongman videos this weekend so I skipped doing assistance work and thought I’d give this a go)
Did 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120,
125/280 [This was a Power Clean - messy as anything]
Jerks up to 90/200*1 (not a real jerk as locked out with arms) - I wouldnt stand a chance in strongman as I cant seem to get anything heavy overhead except from the back position.
Dead 175/390 * 12 these didn’t feel great but there were no real pauses between reps. I think doing cleans from the floor might be messing up my form on these??
Max Dead 220/490 *1 , 225/500 * 1 I had no business doing these and the form was gash. I think I’m bored with my training and I’m looking forward to the mental rest of a deload week.
Squat (normally I do Power Clean first so this was a bit of a deviation from the norm)
127.5/285 * 11 (this wasn’t great - it only gives me a predicted max of 174)
Power Cleans
95/210 These weren’t great and I’ve started ripping chunks out of my shins again. Since I started semi-sumo DLing and doing Hang CLeans I haven’t had much in the way of soft tissue trauma but in recent weeks I’ve gone back to cleans from the floor and they’ve come back with a vengeance. Guess it’s back to the shin pads when cleaning!
60210 Then I tried it with no hands ie arms out straight but only got to 8 reps.
SLRDL with Barbell (wanted to try something different)
Close Grip Bench
80/180*6 and went for 7th but failed - bit embarassing but I’m used to it now. This only gives predicted max of 95/210 but I could get more out of the bench with a normal grip width.
BB Row
60/135 210
70/155 410 (did some of these Pendlay row style - I think I got the form kind of right anyway - they were dead stopped on the floor and torso was fairly parallel to floor). - quite pleased with strength on these.
Savickas from nose
37.5/83 410
Bit of face pull and cable external rotation
Deload week now so no point in posting for 9 days.
Zavickas Press from low neck/clavicle (need to get consistent with the height I use on this - sometimes from chin, sometimes lower)
Chins 4*5
Squat (just wanted to try out new power rack in gym)
140/310*2 Went very low/maybe 10 inches where 8 is ATG and usual height is parallel or 14 - was also thinking about whether I can hit depth at a strictly judged IPF meet I might be going to in November. It was on pin 9.
Ez Lying Tri Ext (going to over head)
30210, 32*10
Squat 120/27012 This was tough. Last month hit 12016 so squat seems to have gone down the toilet. Must be because of going camping and going on long walks or because I haven’t squatted heavy for 18 days.
Close Grip Bench 75/167*8 Stopped well short of failure, bunched myself up as if I was setting up for a max, and took a slightly wider grip than usual. It feels so good not to fail on the bench.
Power Clean
100/22233 Not sure how the form is on this but it’s not the best
127.5/285*11 Squat still not back to normal - I don’t know why it’s gone down the toilet but it could well have something to do with too much walking - deadlift seems better than ever though
Single Leg RDl w Barbell
60, 67.5, 72.5/160*10
Nauseau/Fatigue - 3-4 yet it was a lower body day?!
80/178*10 PR by 4 reps with this weight. Wore a belt, very big arch, fewer reps with BB Rows in between sets, did this much later in the day than usual, nearly failed on last rep.
BB Row
80/17810 (wanted to match the benching), 75/1675-6*10
Savickas from nose height
up to 42.5/95*10
Rolling Thunder (got talking to some strongman types and had a go on this)
70/155 for a max
Some Face Pulls
Nauseau/Fatigue rating 2/10
Good Upper Body session for once - feeling positive. And so ends 3 consecutive days of training.
180/400 * 13 reps all deadstopped of course (first 8 took 21s according to my crappy camera phone, and before it cut out) Felt good to be dominating 4 plates.
DB Bulg SS
Nauseau/Fatigue 2/10 - awesome! It helps not too have too many shakes, and to take long rests.
I’m now 30 days out from a deadlift only meet I’m going to do. I’m hoping to hit between 240/545 and 250/555 - this will be off the back of no rep work with weight higher than 180/400 ever. (I hit 500lb a month ago). Will be interesting to see if I can do it.
Savickas from neck
Did work sets then rested about 30 mins (!) before top set [actually worked quite well because I got a good result:]
1*8 only
Dead (this was unplanned but saw a guy pull 690 with straps and a serious hitch so got a bit carried away and did:)
1502, 190, 210, 220, 230/5101 - Tried 240*1 and got off floor but would have broken back if I’d finished the pull [form on the 220 and 230 was horrible = the guy who pulled 690 said it looked like my vertebrae were going to go through the ceiling - he also said no heavyweight had pulled big numbers with sumo stance and I should switch to conventional - food for thought?]
Tried a stone simulator thing
got 80kg*1 to a height of circa 6 foot
Db Row 42.5/95 3*10 w shaky form
Nauseau/Fatigue 0/10!!
CNS Fatigue the next day 200/10!!