Talk About Distractions

My son was born Saturday night.
Last two weeks have been busy at work, then he came along about 2, 2.5 weeks early

I think I’m pairing down my lifting to twice a week until sleep is a thing again. Holy cow, how doe ssomething that small make that much noise?

6 lbs 12 oz, 19" long
12 hours labor


lol…yes, how do they. Welcome to fatherhood!



It goes fast, let me tell you… So enjoy and savor every moment.

My son turned 20 this year, and it literally seems like just a few years ago he was born.

Congratulations, he’s gorgeous. Lots of babies in these parts lately (I had my girl on the 1st). Enjoy every moment that you have with him. That time is a gift and passes so quickly.

I’m so envious of the 12 hour labor!

[quote]Jackie_Jacked wrote:
Congratulations, he’s gorgeous. Lots of babies in these parts lately (I had my girl on the 1st). Enjoy every moment that you have with him. That time is a gift and passes so quickly.

I’m so envious of the 12 hour labor![/quote]

Congratulations to you too. I missed that if you posted it somewhere.

Everybody stop breeding!

Just kiddin’. Congratulations. I’m sorry about your sleep, man.

It’s not too bad yet; I’m just drinking a lot of diet coke. I’ve always been the night owl so I’m staying up nights right now so the wife can sleep.

He’s adorable and we love him :slight_smile:

Grats on your daughter Jackie Jacked :slight_smile:

[quote]paulwhite959 wrote:
It’s not too bad yet; I’m just drinking a lot of diet coke. I’ve always been the night owl so I’m staying up nights right now so the wife can sleep.

He’s adorable and we love him :slight_smile:

Grats on your daughter Jackie Jacked :)[/quote]

Caffeine - it’s your new best friend. I might also add that it’s pretty incredible that you’re staying up with the baby so your wife can get some rest. Having babies is tiring and you’re in a lot of pain after. You’re a good husband.

And yes, he is adorable. lol

[quote]LoRez wrote:

[quote]Jackie_Jacked wrote:
Congratulations, he’s gorgeous. Lots of babies in these parts lately (I had my girl on the 1st). Enjoy every moment that you have with him. That time is a gift and passes so quickly.

I’m so envious of the 12 hour labor![/quote]

Congratulations to you too. I missed that if you posted it somewhere.[/quote]

Thank you, LoRez. :slight_smile:

Congrats on the new addition to your famz!

[quote]paulwhite959 wrote:
My son was born Saturday night.

he came along about 2, 2.5 weeks early
Congrats, man. He was probably like, “Ya know what? Everyone sounds cool out there. I’mma see what’s up. Oh, hey ma, hey pa.”

And x2 what ID said. Time goes fast, enjoy it all.

[quote]Jackie Jacked wrote:
I had my girl on the 1st[/quote]
That’s my girlfriend’s birthday. Good day for strong, smart, stunning women to be born. :wink: Congrats.

Wow. Tis the season! My first child (a boy) was born September 27. It is a riot seeing the day to day developments.

Congrats to all! And yeah, he’s one heck of a distraction.

[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
My first child (a boy) was born September 27. It is a riot seeing the day to day developments.[/quote]
You invented a person? Skyzyks Jr., Patent Pending.

(That’s a callback to another life a hundred years ago, which you may or may not get. Congrats to you and Mrs. S anyhow.)


May he have hairs on his chest by the age of 8.

Is he lifting yet?

[quote]Chris Colucci wrote:

[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
My first child (a boy) was born September 27. It is a riot seeing the day to day developments.[/quote]
You invented a person? Skyzyks Jr., Patent Pending.

(That’s a callback to another life a hundred years ago, which you may or may not get. Congrats to you and Mrs. S anyhow.)[/quote]

Thanks Chris! Actually, Mrs. S asks about you sometimes. Maybe you could write me something up about the newness or novelty of my little creation.

X: He does baby squats. I lean him against my chest with my hand under his feet and he jacks himself up from the bottom of a squat. His reward is that he gets to gnaw on my cheek when he gets tired. And a binky.