Taking SARMS while Being Unable to Lift Due to Fracture

Is it stupid to continue to take SARMS after having a fracture middle of cycle and unable to lift for a couple months …so one could keep their gains too?

I’m on TRT.

I was taking RAD 140/Cardarine than got injury on July 11th. I’ve been taking them since at the same dose as before …which 20-30mg rad and Cardarine right now 20mg(I started with 10mg first few weeks).

Would the sarms help by speed up recovery for ligament/tendon tears around bone?

I think it was stupid to take SARMS in the first place

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Actually this is literally the only thing that SARMs have any data for and about which we have any meaningful data. LGD is clinically proven to prevent muscle wasting while patients were recovering from a hip fracture. My God, for the first time ever I’m seeing someone use a SARM for its actual intended purpose. I could cry.


Lol are you being sarcastic about first time using for intended purpose?

Until I decide for sure, I’m going to cut the dose in half for both since I’m not even lifting and just doing cardio…

However both compounds are going to run out soon within a month or so.

I am 100% serious.

As usual Iron said it first. I saw something recently on my Google news feed about some athlete being caught for some SARM and since I was not familiar with the name of the substance I looked it up. And like iron said SARMs are being studied for their potential muscle waisting prevention and a few other things but the muscle waisting is one the big ones. Basically they are trying to get the medical benefit qualities from steroids but without all the steroid side effects.

Since you are on TRT I don’t think you would loose too much muscle anyways, dose dependant of course. I myself am not a big fan of the SARMs simply because they are oral and harsh on the old liver. I would have suggested that you think about lightening the dose because of the liver toxic quality of SARMs but you are already doing that. I don’t know about it helping the tendon ligament issue but it might.

I am not sure how you injured yourself but this is a topic I always try to cover with the younger/new to gear guys getting into gear and you did mention a tendon/ligament tear. Our tendons and ligaments take much longer to develope vs new muscle mass especially if we are on gear. So many guys get on gear and then push and push and push until they tear/damage a tendon or ligament. A good rule of thumb is the tendon/ligaments are going to be six months behind your muscle development. So when you go on a gaining run/cycle you can probably push to the 3-4 month mark (depending on development and how much progress you are making) then you need to ease off the gas. At that point you need to not push the weight higher anymore if anything you might want to ease back a bit on the weight at stay at that weight range for at least 3-4 months and let the tendons/ligaments catch up to the new muscle mass. That goes for if you are on gear or even if you are not on gear. We all need to allow our tendons/ligaments to be at a level of development that is in harmony with our muscle mass/strength.

The other thing to keep in mind is some of the gear we use actually either stops the tendon/ligament development or it can damage them itself. For that the general rule of thumb is wet gear will hopefully help them or at least not hurt them and dry gear, especially DHT’s, will damage or at least hinder development. That rule is not final and all encompassing but it should point you in the right direction. I forget exactly what winstrol does but your tendons and ligaments can end up dry and brittle and I believe it is something to do with the collagen synthesis process that it messes with. Deca is known for helping the collagen synthesis process.


I love Cardarine and have no experience with RAD140. Cardarine gives me a lot of endurance at the gym. With it I’ll look down at my watch and think 60 minutes has passed when my session was 90 minutes long. I am usually spent at 60 minutes without it.
I am not sure how it would help you speed up recovery or heal faster.
Depending on your injury BPC-157 might be worth looking into. I have used it several times on my elbows and shoulders. All muscle pulls, stressed tendons no broken bones.

Do you mind me asking what dosage and length you ran BPC? I’m about to give it a shot. Thinking 250mcg twice daily for 4-6 weeks. Debating whether to run TB500 with it or keep it simple with BPC and see how it works alone.

Did you inject close to the injury sites? Or just subQ in the stomach?

Hi @aaronca I did 300mcg per arm or shoulder at bedtime. Yes that’s more than double the recommended if you are treating two injuries. My only experience is with BPC-157 and that only works at the injury site. The first time I used it I got no relief for 2 maybe 3 weeks. All other times my pain has gone away in 5-7 days of daily injections.
I have read TB500 can be used subQ and it will somehow seek out the injury probably like aspirin does. But I have never tried it.
What is your injury?

Do you have any experience with mixing your own ? I have purchased some raw powder from a well known lab and purchased what I thought was their recommended solvent, PEG400. I have now since then read that the PEG 400 might be too thick. Just looking for any advice as I am new to these Research chems.

So you did once per day, but two pins (one in each injury site) basically? So 600mcg daily at one time essentially?

No major injuries. I have a minor discomfort in my upper right hamstring where it attaches, I believe it might be super minor high hamstring tendinitis. I also have just minor discomfort in my left shoulder. Neither injury keeps me from working out at 100%, but I’m tired of the 24/7 nagging discomfort. Figured it might be worth a shot.

I’ve read the same thing about TB500 and wondering if it’s worth running both. But leaning towards just BPC first.

Yes in fact that is the only way to buy it IMO.
I use bac stat water and a peptide calculator to get my dose.



Yes 600mcg/24hours. This stuff has no sides effect I ever felt. Just one morning I woke up and no pain. Went to the gym was easy for first day next day hit the gym hard still no pain. I was amazed.

IMO I would try both but trying to hit your upper ham might be tough do you have someone who could help? To keep from stabing the tendon I’d pull up the skin and inject in the gap right over the pain.

The shoulder is a piece of cake. Poke you finger around and where it hurts the most that where to stick the needle in. 31ga 1/2" is all you need. Zero pain.

My right pinky got crushed at work (warehouse) as I was backing up and didn’t check shelf behind me. It got crushed between steering wheel and the shelf. Right now I’m going to physical therapy and can’t wait to start lifting again

Well the finger I had surgery is a fracture so bpc 157 wouldn’t do anything. HOWEVER the ring finger(finger between middle and pinky) as well as pinky are stiff and can’t go all the way down due to tendon/ligament being torn/stressed. I might try bpc 157 and give it a go. Im going to physical theraphy though so regardless if it help or not the physical therapy is suppose to get my mobility back over next 2 months or so. Will bpc 157 at least speed it up you think so it will be less than 2 months in therapy?

My wife does all my injections, I’m a big time p***y haha. So that definitely won’t be an issue. Really appreciate the advice. Did you run it just until pain subsided ? Or did you run it a set amount of weeks?

The reason I am leaning towards trying BPC only first is because I would then know it was the peptide that was working. If I run both, it leaves the question which worked better, and I would feel like I have to run both in figure injuries.

Did you run BPC while on cycle? I’m on just a basic Test E 500mg weekly and will be running far 1 Sept for 6 weeks to finish the cycle out. Debating whether to run now, or after PCT.

Thanks again, and sorry you OP for the hijack.

Another issue I have is where exactly to inject in hand. All I know is right pinky/ring fingers tendons/ligaments are stiff/soar/pain when trying to be normally mobile.

The wifey is doing your injections? HaHa thats cool. You know you should try sub Q into love handles with a 27ga 1/2" easy touch syringe. Its painless no PIP ever even at blast doses. 500mg/wk thats 125 in each love handle twice a week. Piece of cake and totally painless.

I don’t think cycling makes any difference. That said it was the excessive hammer curls I did during a cycle that caused my brachioradialis pain. This has happen twice a year apart and will probably happen again but my forarms just won’t fucking grow.


@Emcon456 I don’t think I would do BPC157 with a finger injury. They heal pretty fast all on their own. What about boosting your GH that makes more sense to me. Sermorelin and or Ipamorelin might be something to research.

I’ve actually looked into doing that, or possibly trying a few in the delts. But I’m only on my third cycle and my wife doesn’t mind, so it’s just been easy enough to keep going. I’m sure I’ll start at some point though.

Did you use the same needle for drawing, and then pinning each injury site? I’m assuming so…?

I’m ordering enough for six weeks, although hoping four weeks does the trick.

Damn man, that sucks that it’s happened a couple times. Firearms don’t look like they’re lagging all that bad! My forearms and quads aren’t the most cooperative but I’ll be damned if I can’t get them caught up eventually.