Hi, I’m just beginning training, and my friend gave me a bottle of Alpha Male, free of charge.
Is this something I should fuck around with yet? I wouldn’t consider it yet, but I have it already. If not yet, when should I start using it, and how exactly?
[quote]callmekiller wrote:
Hi, I’m just beginning training, and my friend gave me a bottle of Alpha Male, free of charge.
Is this something I should fuck around with yet? I wouldn’t consider it yet, but I have it already.[/quote]
Impulse control is our friend.
I’m sure the expiration date is good for a long while. It was awesome of your friend to give it to you, but especially if you weren’t considering it yet, I’d hold off.
That’s a huge factor. You’re 21. Wait until you’re further away from your natural hormone peak to get the most benefit from it.
Two tablets once or twice a day. I forget exactly what the label directions are, but whatever it says, I’d follow it.
[quote]callmekiller wrote:
Thanks for the responses, I will wait at least until I’ve been doing some consistent training for a few months, if not longer. Maybe a year.[/quote]