Tadalafil / Pregnenolone / DHEA / NDT

I hope this title isn’t misleading, but I’ve been considering starting TRT for a while now and spoke with a clinic today I tick all their boxes and they spoke my thyroid which is on the lower end of normal.
My main question revolves around the combination of Tadalafil, Pregnenolone, DHEA, and NDT (5mg/5mg/5mg/15mg per capsule). When I spoke to the clinic, they recommended these. I’ve watched some videos where people spoke positively about these medications, but also mentioned that there isn’t much human research on them. Could someone provide me with a rundown of what to expect from these? As for TRT, they suggested starting with 0.25 twice a week.

Thanks for any insight!

Age? Symptoms?

Lab results, post them.

I find it hard to believe you need a combo of all that compounded. You can google what each is for and I encourage you to do so as you need to advocate for yourself with some of these clinics that’s a pill pushers.

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41, brainfog,mood swings slow recovery from any activity, no morning wood 0 sex drive hot flushes.
I did google everything I’m not keen on taking medication I dont need and it’s not cheap its $226 for 100 tabs. So I don’t want to take it if I don’t have to. Everything i read just gives mixed reviews.

Are you overweight? Your T levels are indeed on the low spectrum. Not technically low enough for a Uro or Endo but enough I can see the need. Where are the thyroid labs you spoke of?

Tadalifil is Cialis for erectile dysfunction. It had a lot of other health benefits but you can get if from your PCP and it’s cheap in generic form.

DHEA / Pregnenlone are hormone precursors. Don’t see the need for this.

NDT is desiccated thyroid. Again, nothing provided shows need.

Oh sorry fre t4 is 10 and tsh is 1,

Pretty much what I was thinking.

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