I just got my T-Nation hat. Jealous much? Pics later, my girlfriend borrowed it to workout in.
I’m not StevenF, but I can still make you jealous.
and the back
Did you have a hat embroidered?
[quote]BIGRAGOO wrote:
Did you have a hat embroidered? [/quote]
No, these are the hats that were sent out for free as a gift to those that did Dr. Darden’s Big Arms Challenge.
I’m guessing they will be made available to the rest of you small armed members soon ;p
Got my hat this morning in the mail…
oh how great free stuff smells… ahhh
That’s damn cool, is it a flex fit?
[quote]StevenF wrote:
I just got my T-Nation hat. Jealous much? Pics later, my girlfriend borrowed it to workout in. [/quote]
Fucking sweet. I’m glad they put Testosterone Nation on the back.
Hopefully we can buy them soon.
Yeah, its a flex fit, pretty stretchy too… perfect size.
I’m willing to pawn mine off to the “general public” if the right PM Showed up… lol
hat looks pretty good, I will mos def get one, if they start slanging them in teh t-store…
For some reason those flexfit hats never fit on my head. I look like I’m wearing a baby bonnet or something. I guess I have a big head.
[quote]alfuh wrote:
and the back[/quote]
You have one hell of a cleffed chin.
Nice hat, though.
Can we please start selling these in the t-store?
I want one, then I want a T-Nation hoodie.
[quote]marman wrote:
then I want a T-Nation hoodie.[/quote]
x3… and T-Nation skully
[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
x3… and T-Nation skully
x4 -teh skully
[quote]xjayx300 wrote:
Xen Nova wrote:
x3… and T-Nation skully
x4 -teh skully
T-Nation man thongs…err…posing trunks!
[quote]marman wrote:
I want one, then I want a T-Nation hoodie.[/quote]
Funny I was thinking about this too…If you want it, voice it, we many get one!