T-Nation Addiction

So I got moved into a new position at work that requires exactly 30 minutes of work a day, and I’m there for about 7 hours. Not my choice, details unrelated. I was given a computer that was off the network, which means no filter, and full access to anything. Imagine that, I didn’t look at porn. Just T-Nation. Like all day, every day, for the last couple months.

Now, I find myself hitting refresh on the Most Discussed Topics while at home.

Has this happened to anyone else? Sure, I have an addictive personality, and I haven’t hit 10,000 posts, but it seems to be excessive. So much so that my initial means of addressing said problem… is to make a fucking thread about it.

I expect plenty of responses (if any) will read something like, “Log off. Get a life.” Hence, the location of the thread. Flame away, I’m bored.

Try getting addicted to Reddit or 4chan instead.

Im addicted to Finibars.


It happens to me every now and again. I do the same thing with certain apps on my phone though, like the Chive or FlipBoard.

[quote]csulli wrote:
Try getting addicted to Reddit or 4chan instead.[/quote]
Have you had your level of evil tested?

Reddit is up there for me. Sometimes I’ll read some random thread from the home page which will have a link to some other thread and next thing you know I know a lot about Skinchangers in Nevada and it’s 6pm and I’m being charged a late fee because I didn’t pick up my son by 630pm.

There is worse things to spend your time doing…

My post count is the product of mild “HD” portion of ADHD. I need something to break up my work otherwise I can’t focus. Being an asshole on the interwebs works in this regard.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
There is worse things to spend your time doing…

My post count is the product of mild “HD” portion of ADHD. I need something to break up my work otherwise I can’t focus.[/quote]

Same here.

Likewise, for as much as I hate listening to it under any normal circumstances, drum-n-bass music helps me work better.

Also, r/cyberpunk usually has some cool stuff to read and look at, despite their [arguably] appalling graphic design.

Recent r/cyberpunk posts.

  1. Some lab 3D printed a skull implant
  2. Switzerland is hosting a Bionic Olympics in 2016, allowing technology that’s banned from the Paralympics
  3. They’ve made cameras smaller than the tip of a pencil that require no lenses
  4. The new Honda Vultus streetbike – pretty much straight out of Akira http://www.wired.com/autopia/2014/03/honda-anime-motorcycle/
  5. Beijing has an “artificial sun” on a billboard to indicate sunrise and sunset, because there’s so much smog http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2014/01/120140117_beijing1.jpg
  6. Google rejects military funding for its advanced humanoid robot


Lots of government vs corporations, privacy issues, advanced medical breakthroughs, “futuristic” buildings, stuff like that. Real-life sci-fi.

Good stuff. I bailed on 4chan years ago, never been a redditor, chive got me in serious trouble with the missus, and I’ve never had a Finibar (sad but true).

Cyberpunk sounds pretty cool, I guess. Still, I’m thinking I really need to get offline or limit it in some fashion. I dunno. Thanks for the input.

[quote]AceRock wrote:
Good stuff. I bailed on 4chan years ago, never been a redditor, chive got me in serious trouble with the missus, and I’ve never had a Finibar (sad but true).

Cyberpunk sounds pretty cool, I guess. Still, I’m thinking I really need to get offline or limit it in some fashion. I dunno. Thanks for the input. [/quote]

You can’t be looking at Hump DAR or Things That Bounce Thursday with the wife present, unless she’s into that sort a thing…

There’s a 12 step program for this.

My workload is cyclical.

During slow periods I open kindle and read a couple hours a day so I can be productive in another sense. It’s only an addiction if you can’t get off T-Nation or the Internet during your free time.

I’m addicted to most things I like. I just call them hobbies and it makes it okay. Nerds!

Yeah I spent about 3 hours this weekend just looking at funny stuff on The Chive.

[quote]Nards wrote:
Yeah I spent about 3 hours this weekend just looking at funny stuff on The Chive.[/quote]

You’d probably like Tapiture then.

Commit to learn a language /big skillset by the end of the year -you could make pretty incredible progress if you worked on it 3-4 hours a day let alone 7

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]Nards wrote:
Yeah I spent about 3 hours this weekend just looking at funny stuff on The Chive.[/quote]

You’d probably like Tapiture then.[/quote]


[quote]AceRock wrote:
So I got moved into a new position at work that requires exactly 30 minutes of work a day, and I’m there for about 7 hours. [/quote]

Is the work a lunch break? Are you a food tester?

I trade junk on Craigslist. Nothing big, just enough to keep me entertained. Tires that don’t fit anything I own, uneven pool tables, that sort of thing. When you’re lucky you can make a couple bucks too.