T Gel Giving Me Insane Results in Just Days?!

You can switch to scrotulm applied cream. I use it and love it. It’s way more effective than the gel applied to shoulders and etc.

Jsut don’t take gel the day before your test and your levels will be low day of blood. No need to wait 5 days.

Hi albert, If you have found something that works why complicate the process. I was on Testim Gel for over a year and loved it but I could not afford the 300 a month they charged. My Ins would not pay for it. So I had to move to shots. Its way more complicated and messy dealing with used syringes.

How is it going? What did you decide to do?

Thanks for the follow-up. I’m at about month #2-ish and still the results are great. I’m using that “off market” T Gel, ordered more. I’m feeling MUCH better than I did before the treatment. What I’ve noticed:

  1. More confidence
  2. Better overall well-being
  3. Faster recovery
  4. Burning fat finally
  5. Able to control my food very well
  6. Usually need less coffee unless I’m low carbing
  7. Sleeping better for the most part
  8. Way way increased Libido
  9. Better calorie partitioning as far as I can tell

The only negative so far is that I’m bloated - not the face, but the stomach/chest. I tried taking half an Arimidex a few times - bloat didn’t go away, so I’m leaving the Arimidex alone, doesn’t seem needed.

I’m also going to do another lab test in the next 3-4 weeks. So far, I’m happy…

At some point, I will likely get this done with a doctor and possibly go with a compounded cream for the scrotum. Although, I’m getting good results, doing my own tests…so not 100% decided if I’ll spend the extra dough for a doc just yet.

To add to my post…does anyone have research/proven data about T Gel absorption going lower over time? The gel seems to get into my shoulders, and I follow up with lotion to get it all in - I don’t notice any less absorption but I am concerned over the long haul.

Also - any research on if the other ingredients that are part of the gels/creams might cause skin issues in the long term? I know it’s not only the T getting absorbed, whatever else they have in the gel is obviously getting in too I’d image.

The testicles can absorb 8x times the testosterone than any other area of skin, but gels would burn badly on the testicles so I wouldn’t advise it. That’s what creams are for, testicle application.