This is my first post in here and I am actually kind of nervous about it. Anyways I hope not to get flamed because of my newbishness but here goes nothing.
I have been training for about 5 years now and yes I know that I am rather young still at 19 years old, but I think I am going to take my training one step farther. I am not quite ready to go all the way into the steroid/prohormone categories yet, but I am thinking about trying out some Test boosters.
I was wondering what you guys could recommend to me I have heard some good things about the product Promagnon 25 and Halodrol. Would doing a cycle of this really screw me up for the long term and what sort of PCT should I do after? Should I do the same sort of PCT that a steroid cycle would entail or would I go a little less but try and target the same results?
I have done alot of research regarding the subject but with little real knowledge firsthand I had to come to you. I have gone to a physician to discuss the matter and he says of course as most doctors would say although my levels are normal he wouldn’t recommend it. I know alot of people here are just diehard, clean up your diet this and that, but I am looking for a genuine response. Thanks