Switched to a TRT Clinic

I’m woke.

In range. You looking for problems?

I know you’re not a doctor, unlike some other tards on here, so how do you know what Med school teaches? Auditing classes?

Yeah, didn’t think so.

You have yet to demonstrate critical thinking as defined by Bloom’s Taxonomy, so not going to take your word for it. You lack ethos.

Fallacy based on poor critical thinking.

Yeah, mine was in range, he still treated me. False assertion.

Yes, like Defy. A lot of cats suck that shit up like retards. Not Pharm, but peddling pharm, and those that cannot think critically love them, like you.

Well maybe that is why the system is broken, peeps scamming it…like you.

Is there a point here? Other than your wife is a felon and you are a fraud?

A horse told me, or rather it came from the horse’s mouth.

I didn’t get symptom relief until mid-range, to get potassium back into tissue you have to have sufficient quality in the bloodstream. You do not think that just because you have potassium in the blood that it’s in the tissues as well…?

I have read other have had problems with low normal potassium, even seen some who have it in the danger zone and are perfectly fine.

Biochemical individuality does not compute with a lot of doctors.

The system condition doctors to treat the reference ranges, therefore critical thinking is not used the majority of the time. In range is normal, it’s easy, it’s the path of least resistance and enables these doctors to see 30 patients in an 8 hours shift.

Hearsay. As I thought. I put my first wife through med school, my brother was an ER doc, and one of my best friends is a vascular surgeon. Brother and best friend Stanford undergrad, brother OHSU Med School, friend Indiana University Med School. First wife, GWU.

That’s some ethos.

Uh, sounds like you’re looking for answers. As Ulysses says in O Brother Where Art Thou, everybody’s looking for answers.

You’re not a snowflake. Get over it.

Gross generalization with no factual basis.

Yeah, my brother saw eighty or more in a twelve hour shift - you know they mostly work twelves right?

He called it moving the meat. It was an ER, so not relevant.

He also made over $500K and was never sued.


He treated patients, not reference ranges.

Yea and you clearly have too many issues and are too delusional see the world for what it is. But I’m sure coming online to talk shit in between your numerous daily check ins with your counselors must help you releasr some of that anger you are holding onto. As I’m sure you are going to come back with some more nonsense i will just tell you that I’m done for the night. I am about to sit my fraud ass down to dinner with my 3 kids and wife and have an early morning so maybe you can find someone else to fight with until you tire yourself out and the self loathing is no longer keeping you awake.

You’re projecting bro. I’m not angry at all. You’re the fraud eating dinner with a felon.

Delusions are what Buddha warns about, thinking you’re actually important. Being attached to your shit, attached to the attachment.

I just feel sorry for your kids because of how fucked up you and your wife are, a fraud and a felon. But, it’s okay, time is limitless and we are limitless beings. They’ll get another chance with better parents in their next life.

Why would I be eating dinner with my Ex wife. That xanax is messing with your comprehension

I’m sure the new wife is a peach. Your kids are so lucky.

Finally a post with a point. Congrats.

Thought you were going to bed.

Now you’re a liar too.

@jimmy401 winning.

This is mike watching a liberal and a conservative discuss immigration

I read this entire thread and got dumber.

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