Email me (email in bio) if you need I can put you in touch with my doc. It’s like $150/month for labs, 200mg T, anastrozole or tamoxifen, syringes and all that jazz and it’s sent in the mail. You just take what you want to take. Not the best place if you’re looking for a trt daddy but if you want cheap and to know it’ll always be there then they are great.
That provided a good long laugh, I needed that on my work break. This and YouTube personality thinking I was a doctor, even funnier.
Truth is I only know of one telemedicine clinic and therefore only one recommendation other than the face-to-face doctors I know of. If somebody wants to get to the bottom of why their testosterone is low, the clinics are going to be the last place I recommend.
In this scenario it will be the face-to-face doctors on my doctors list.
I do not know why you would find that funny. Your over the top man crush with your clinic is very strange and lately it has accelerated.
As for the doctor thing, you give some pretty good advice here, wrong in some areas, but overall very helpful. I would certainly rather have you managing my TRT than almost all PCP, endos and maybe most TRT clinic mill doctors out there.
Bottom line, according to state statutes, your guys are operating illegally. End of story.
This acknowledges the sub par service your telemedicine clinic provides. This is a huge problem. While often the cause of low testosterone (what exactly is low, anyway?) not possible to determine, nonetheless there can be serious pathologies involved and it is incumbent on any professional treating patients to get to the cause of the issue and address it if possible. This is not unlike the overweight, sloppy, visceral fat guy, fatigued, no libido, relationship problems, unmotivated, etc. and depressed (who wouldn’t be?) going his PCP and getting………….anti depressants.
There are a bunch of pukes on here that use we as a means of establishing credibility. “We see a lot of guys…”
"We find that often…
"We feel…
Yeah, there is no we here. There’s a bunch of internet jockeys that know shit. “We” bad mouth doctors, because, truthfully, most are ignorant.
But there is no “we” here. We’re just a bunch of TRT junkies trying to figure it out, None of us has a MD, none of us can write a script, none of us can run a hormone panel,
Agreed, that verbiage implies something not necessarily true.
I don’t blame doctors very much. This stuff is not taught in school, I’ve heard that from several. They cannot admit that to a patient though, and they can’t move outside the box and treat if they are practicing within the standard health care system of today (insurance guidelines). When they tell patients they are low normal they are correct by the standards they were taught. It’s difficult to move off of that.
I think it is worthwhile to learn from other’s experiences, but I think you have to maintain perspective.
The guidelines state that men higher than 345 ng/dL can be considered for TRT based on good clinical judgement, the problem is most are dealing with uneducated HMO (VA) or state healthcare doctors who are the lowest common denominator, for the fact that they even take your insurance is almost a guarantee they will be inept and uneducated in sex hormones.
All of the experts in TRT are all private because they are in high demand and can charge whatever the want, high demand commands a premium you cannot get insurance to pay. Private doctors who refuse insurance get my respect for leaving a broken fraudulent system.
The Endocrine Society recommend using a TT level below 300 ng/dL with repeated measurements of morning TT as a reasonable cutoff in support of the diagnosis of low testosterone, preferably using the same laboratory with the same method/instrumentation for measurements. The ISSAM and the ISSM use the cutoff value of TT <12 nmol/L or 350 ng/dL; they widened the indication of TRT to TT <350 ng/dL or 12 nmol in 2008 however in 2015 they suggested that TRT may be reasonably offered to symptomatic patients with TT concentration higher that 345 ng/dL based on clinical judgement.
This is so much bullshit, My clinic took my insurance.
Docs that don’t take my insurance are just too fucking lazy to bill mine - they’re not “so good that they leave a broken fraudulent system.”
It’s not broke. You want a pet scan in Canada, you’ll die first. Try to see a dentist in England.
It’s really easy to complain and criticize, but I am on Xanax, Paxil, and Test, I see a counselor every fucking week, another one for Inner Family Systems every other week, and I pay $25 each time.
I get a full physical every twelve weeks, with an EEG and a stress test, $25.
It depends on What’s being treated. Hormones are low risk of immediate health problems that can be pinpointed to non treatment so a Dr can slack or just blow you off. When you have someone that has a good chance of being a liability to society then its cheaper to pay to keep them sedated with drugs and see enough half ass “counselors” frequent enough that they may notice you are on the verge of murdering your family or something and even if you do they can show they were trying to monitor you the best they could outpatient once the blame game and lawsuits start.
Its not they have plenty of cash for the things that could bite them in the ass. If they can get away with not paying with minimal risk then thats what they will do. Insurance companies and for profit hospitals/Drs offices are in business to make money, not to save lifes or keep people healthy. Simple business/math. If a dr ignores my low t and tells me you are fine chances are slim that my wife will sue in 30 years because i developed heart disease and may have lived 20 years longer. However, if I go in with a clogged artery which can be fixed and they say dont worry about it then its a different story. I end up having a stroke and turn into a bed ridden vegetable that costs thoulsands of dollars a day to keep next to the house plants and my wife has proof of negligence and they end up paying out the ass
Wake up man, the reference ranges has replace good old fashioned judgement. Recently I had potassium below ranges and tissues had little potassium for several weeks, GP says potassium is good and still having all of the symptoms, potassium was 3.5 (3.5-5.0).
In range is normal, it ends all critical thought. Medical school teaches treat the reference ranges, ignore the symptoms, the system is broken and is under control of the insurance companies. The doctors have no power anymore, pharma also wield control over what doctors prescribe.
Just look what happens when you go to see a doctor for low testosterone, your levels are on the bottom end and doctors says testosterone is within normal (blah blah blah), the same old phase we are used to hearing like something scripted, here’s is some viagra and antidepressants all while testosterone is at a level of most 80 year olds at 21 years old.
Nobody is that stupid, the system is broken, look at all the pharm commercials on TV nowadays which are unusually long trying to promote their business and at the same time condition the population to believe drugs are good for you.
You go in for thyroid or TRT, it can’t be that, you’re normal, but here is some drugs. I don’t remember doctors testing to see it I have a viagra or benzodiazepine deficiency, but it was too easy to get these scripts.
All I had to do was ask, “sure I can prescribe it to you”.
Hippocratic oath lol thats a good one. My daughter cant see a counselor because my deadbeat ex wife will never call back or answer their calls snd they are afraid they could get in trouble. I got physical placement but made the mistake of not getting sole medical decisions, didnt think it was important at the time. I gave them that line abiut doing No harm after they refused to see her after the 3rd apt after building a rapor with her. The women said not my problem. The next 3 just refused to see her at all without the ok.
No Drs like writing rxs for controlled drugs. So the reasons i stated before combined with the risk and headache of controlled scripts makes its very unappealing to all involved besides patients. Also the oath is a joke. I know a couple Drs personally, one who owns his own urgent and does suboxone treatment. The guy basically let me write my own scripts until he drove is SUV through the liquor store window to steal Boise after hours and lost his lisence for 2 years. My ex wife is headed to prison and hasnt seen my daughter in months. She was also in healthcare until a few domestic violence arrests. Drs are the same species as us with the same problems