SUVs Vs Minivans


A mouse and an elephant are waling in the rainforest. The elephant falls into a tar pit. The mouse scurries away and comes back with a Dodge Durango. He throws a cable around the elephant, throws the SUV into 4 wheel drive and pulls the elephant out of the tar.

The elephant and the mouse continue their walk. About a half hour later the mouse falls into a tar pit. The elephant steps back, throws his dick, wraps it aroung the mouse and pulls the rodent to safety.

Moral of the story; If you have a big dick you don’t need an SUV!

[quote]Thai_Bxr wrote:
Moral of the story; If you have a big dick you don’t need an SUV![/quote]
And only if you have a fat ass.

We’re had 2 Honda Odysseys, driven over 190k miles between them, one repair for $80, other than normal maintenance. Guy I work with has 2 young kids and was debating between a minivan and a Ford Expedition and bought the Expedition, he’s now bitching about $80+ to fill the tank and only going 300 miles.

The Odyssey has more passenger room, more cargo room, uses less than 1/2 the fuel,was $12k cheaper and will have better reliability and resale. Unless you have a real need for 4WD, (like a couple of times a week) or towing a large trailer get the minivan (assuming you’re secure with the size of your penis :).

[quote]christ0ph wrote:
Would your wife be willing to compromise and get a station wagon? If so, a Subaru WRX station wagon would be a good alternative. If not, I’m partial to the Honda Odyssey myself.[/quote]

Not at all. She is still looking for something that looks good (to her) in a minivan.

I asked her about a station wagon, and she hates the look of them.

I personally liked the Dodge Magnum, but my wife doesn’t like the look of the back end of it.

[quote]Damici wrote:
A minivan just says, “I’ve given up.”

Think about it.

So true, you might as well cut off your balls.

I married a great woman, she forbids me to get a minivan. She thinks they’re driven by guys who need more training on how to be guys. She told me if she wanted to marry a chick, she would have.

I drive a Honda Pilot. I can haul 8 people, put the seats down and haul a lot of crap, or haul a moderate amount of crap and carry 5 passengers. It also has never given me a problem in 67000+ miles. It’s safe in a crash ( I know from experience). My tires cost more, but what jobs are for. Only fools get average tires.

I live in Pa. and do a slow boil when I hear of people worrying about how much tires cost. Half the idiots or more here get all season tires which are shittier snow tires.

So to me 32 K was a great price for a great vehicle. I changed one set of tires for 750 dollars and only had oil changes done. I was rear ended by a Dodge Dakota doing over 20 mph and the car was just banged up in the back.

And I still have my balls.

[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
christ0ph wrote:
Would your wife be willing to compromise and get a station wagon? If so, a Subaru WRX station wagon would be a good alternative. If not, I’m partial to the Honda Odyssey myself.

Not at all. She is still looking for something that looks good (to her) in a minivan.

I asked her about a station wagon, and she hates the look of them.

I personally liked the Dodge Magnum, but my wife doesn’t like the look of the back end of it.


One thing to consider as I mentioned is crash ratings You need to see head on, side and a partial front crash for lack of a better term. This is were they crash the vehicle into something that will cover half the front, like the beginning of a gurad rail.

Hate to tell everyone, bigger test better. Any crash rating head on is based on you getting a head on with the same vehicle. A Honda civic loses everytime to a Ford Expedition. There are better vehicles in the same classification of course, but for me reliabilty is first with a close second in safety. I won’t pick one without the other though.

And I still hate minivans.

[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
Okay, since I’m selling my truck and leaving the state, I will be in the market for another vehicle.

Personally, I don’t see a problem with a full-size car, but my wife isn’t having it, and I will most likely be using her Nissan Sentra the most, and using the “family vehicle” for when I need to haul anything.

From what I’ve heard, minivans can hold as much as an SUV, and drives better (lower to the ground), and is usually better on gas.

SUV’s look cooler, IMHO, and well, if you ever want to go off-road, it would probably be better than a minivan, but honestly, I probably won’t be off-roading (as much as I would like to say I will).

What do you like better, and why?[/quote]

Just don’t ask any black people which is better. It’s in their code that they aren’t allowed to own Mini Vans, so they might be biased towards SUVs.

Good advice, I think.

[quote]tom63 wrote:
My tires cost more, but what jobs are for.

What job can your tires do that “average” tires can’t?

Sounds like something the sales guy told you. :wink:

If you think about it, status wise (if you actually care about that), it’s safer to buy the SUV; it takes balls to be seen driving around in a minivan! :slight_smile:

My mother has a Tribeca. Quite nice. Quick (280hp), good handling for an SUV, and very inside. If your wife is paranoid that young girls might hit on you, just get the van. Minivans are underpowered, handle poorly and can’t tow shit.

[quote]infin|ty wrote:
My mother has a Tribeca. Quite nice. Quick (280hp), good handling for an SUV, and very inside. If your wife is paranoid that young girls might hit on you, just get the van. Minivans are underpowered, handle poorly and can’t tow shit.[/quote]

Check the Honda minivan, it will outrun most SUVs.

Let me see an SUV with this much room to haul stuff…


[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
tom63 wrote:
My tires cost more, but what jobs are for.

What job can your tires do that “average” tires can’t?

Only fools get average tires.

Sounds like something the sales guy told you. :wink:

If you think about it, status wise (if you actually care about that), it’s safer to buy the SUV; it takes balls to be seen driving around in a minivan! :)[/quote]

I live in an area where it snows. People have been brainwashed into buying all season tires which do have a less agressive tread pattern as opposed to snows. This way they’re covered all year around. Except that they have less traction in slippy conditions.

So yes, if you buy one set of tires it is cheaper if you get all seasons compared to standard suv tires. But if you actually want greater safety you get snows where I live. I’ve told i don’t know how many people and when they finally get snows and drop the all season tires they are amazed at the better traction they have on the road. i knew one person who had 3 years running small fender benders. After snows, none. she tole me the traction was so much better.

I don’t try to get away with good enough in regards to safety. I get the best. All this comes from my dad who was a mechanic. And no he wasn’t a salesmen, just a guy who knew everything about cars.

[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
Let me see an SUV with this much room to haul stuff…


You put the seats down on the pilot, you have plenty of room. If you want a vehicle that just hauls stuff, get a cargo van.

People haul incredible amounts of stuff as much as people off road, almost never. You want a day to day vehicle that has mixed capacity, an SUV will serve you well also. My Pilot has seating for 8, but then you can haul less stuff. At 5 people you can haul a lot. At 2, a crap load.

The we have the safety issue, which the Pilot is at the top of the crash lists, and the it doesn’t get crappy around here in the winter thing, and I’ll choose an SUV. But I chose a Consumer Reports highest recommendation type, not some crappy domestic that’s just big.

All things being equal, I’ll take an SUV that does the same things equal if not better. With reliabilty first with safety a close second.

[quote]SWR-1240 wrote:
Let me see an SUV with this much room to haul stuff…


Had a Dodge Grand Caravan. Went to buy a new freezer box. forgot to take the seats out before I left, but the damn thing fit in anyway…

If you need a car to express who you are, then I pity you guys.

[quote]tom63 wrote:
One thing to consider as I mentioned is crash ratings You need to see head on, side and a partial front crash for lack of a better term. This is were they crash the vehicle into something that will cover half the front, like the beginning of a gurad rail.

Hate to tell everyone, bigger test better. Any crash rating head on is based on you getting a head on with the same vehicle. A Honda civic loses everytime to a Ford Expedition. There are better vehicles in the same classification of course, but for me reliabilty is first with a close second in safety. I won’t pick one without the other though.

And I still hate minivans.


Absolutely they do well in head on and side crashes, but the possibility of rollover is much greater also.

Minivans are just so ugly it hurts.

[quote]tom63 wrote:
Damici wrote:
A minivan just says, “I’ve given up.”

Think about it.

So true, you might as well cut off your balls.

I married a great woman, she forbids me to get a minivan. She thinks they’re driven by guys who need more training on how to be guys. She told me if she wanted to marry a chick, she would have.

I drive a Honda Pilot. I can haul 8 people, put the seats down and haul a lot of crap, or haul a moderate amount of crap and carry 5 passengers. It also has never given me a problem in 67000+ miles. It’s safe in a crash ( I know from experience). My tires cost more, but what jobs are for. Only fools get average tires.

I live in Pa. and do a slow boil when I hear of people worrying about how much tires cost. Half the idiots or more here get all season tires which are shittier snow tires.

So to me 32 K was a great price for a great vehicle. I changed one set of tires for 750 dollars and only had oil changes done. I was rear ended by a Dodge Dakota doing over 20 mph and the car was just banged up in the back.

And I still have my balls.


I hate to break it to you Tom but the Pilot looks like a minivan.

[quote]tom63 wrote:

Hate to tell everyone, bigger test better. Any crash rating head on is based on you getting a head on with the same vehicle. A Honda civic loses everytime to a Ford Expedition. There are better vehicles in the same classification of course, but for me reliabilty is first with a close second in safety. I won’t pick one without the other though.

And I still hate minivans.


But the Honda Civic has far better accident avoidance and on a per mile driven rate you are more likely to die in a SUV than in a car.

[quote]infin|ty wrote:
Minivans are just so ugly it hurts.[/quote]

So are SUVs. I do not understand the attraction.

Sports cars look good. Minivans, SUVs, station wagons do not.