[quote]Dirts Daniels wrote:
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
[quote]Dirts Daniels wrote:
How are you getting sus through a 23g?? Are you heating it? Sus usually has some test e in it, and the oil used to suspend the esther for test e is pretty thick shit. I can’t get sus through anything smaller than a 21g. Do you have to push really hard on the plunger? If so that could cause some pain.
This would be due to the oil coming out at really high pressure because the needle is so restrictive. Try a larger gauge so the gear can flow into the muscle instead of being jammed in there through the smaller needle.[/quote]
This is all false.
The viscosity of the oil has nothing to do with the drug dissolved in it. The stuff you had may have been ‘thick’ for another reason, but it wasnt because of the drug. You cant make a blanket statement about “the oil” used for a test e solution* (not suspension). All diffrenent kinds of oil are used. With varying degrees of viscosity, though Im not sure you can even notice it when injecting (I could be wrong on that, I just dont know).
Further, Ive drawn oil based steroids through insulin syringes before. And injecting with an insulin syringe is no problem either. The physics of the the very small barrel and very small needle allow this to happen. Diameter of the plunger, length of the needle (most importantly), and guage all effect the flow. Obviously injecting is much easier than drawing, but it can be done.
The speed of the oil coming out of a 23g is definitely not the problem here. First of all, a smaller guage will force a slower injection, which is desirable. Injecting too fast can create discomfort. The maximum speed the oil is going to come out of a 29g is a lot slower than that of an 18g. So I think your theory is plain wrong on that. You can test if it youd like.
Take a 3ml barrel. Get a 18g or 20g and time how long it takes to squirt 3ml out while pushing as hard as you can. Then take a 25g attached to a 3ml barrel and try again. See which one fills up the bowl faster. Pushing as hard as possible (a bit imprecise but I think there will be a diffrence. [/quote]
I didn’t mention anything about the ‘speed’ of the oil leaving the needle. I stated ‘pressure’. Obviously a larger gauge is going to move more fluid at a higher volume. But try your theory you wanted me to do and you will see the fluid leaves the needle with more pressure. A 25g will move less volume at a slower rate than a 21g but the fluid will will exit the 25g under more ‘pressure’. And I was just theorizing. I am by no means an expert. I have a moderate level of experience. I was just openly brainstorming to try and help the man have a more enjoyable experience. You could have corrected me about the BA without blasting me. And at no point did I say that was exactly what was going on. I think I used words like ‘could be’, ‘possibly’, ‘maybe’. I was just openly brainstorming. Sorry if I was a little off base. Thank you for clarifying a few things. I now have a better understanding of the way sus is made. Once again sorry if I was a little off base. [/quote]
Blast you? Lol you dont know my post history that well. Its the internet, you dont need to get upset about getting “blasted”.
I still dont agree with the pressure idea. There may be more pressure inside the needle itself. But once it leaves the needle the oil is in open space or inside the muscle. Additionally, the bigger guage needle will cause more pain penetrating the skin and cause more damage in terms of scar tissue accumulation and bruising. Never in my life have I seen someone recommend a BIGGER gauge to alleviate injection pain.
Youre theory about injection speed isnt even a big deal at all. Its the bullshit about oil viscosity and the prop ester in the sust thats scary.