right then i needed to post this if any of u people out there have ever used sustnon 250.
alot of people tell me that its shit and or have nothing good to say about it but i cant fault it. i dont if its just been them thats been talking shit or what must be.
just let me know what u think of it good or bad views.
Nothing wrong with it. Test is a good thing, but be prepared for eod injections.
People will also let you know that there is this crazy neat feature called the search function.
Either that or even try flipping back 2-3 pages within this forum and you will find another thread pretty much just like this one.
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
People will also let you know that there is this crazy neat feature called the search function.
Either that or even try flipping back 2-3 pages within this forum and you will find another thread pretty much just like this one.[/quote]
That just reeks of effort. lol!
[quote]LillGuy001 wrote:
People will also let you know that there is this crazy neat feature called the search function.
Either that or even try flipping back 2-3 pages within this forum and you will find another thread pretty much just like this one.[/quote]
i don’t even think you have to flip back that many pages. lol
My opinion of sustanon has totally changed. I used to think it was shit. Then I went to Mexico for a week, and bought some from a pharmacy in Cabo San Lucas.
The downside is that they include only a 20 gauge needle with the kit.
The upside is that the shit works, and it is as smooth as butter to inject, even with a fucking harpoon for a needle.
$20/injection is pretty damn steep, though.
I have no opinion on the UG sust, but the shit I got in Mexico was great.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
My opinion of sustanon has totally changed. I used to think it was shit. Then I went to Mexico for a week, and bought some from a pharmacy in Cabo San Lucas.
The downside is that they include only a 20 gauge needle with the kit.
The upside is that the shit works, and it is as smooth as butter to inject, even with a fucking harpoon for a needle.
$20/injection is pretty damn steep, though.
I have no opinion on the UG sust, but the shit I got in Mexico was great. [/quote]
So did you inject eod or other?
I will also have to contest that i had an experience somewhat like RJ’s in that i used to think of blends as shit but having gone a few rounds with some sust and omnas i think i really like these more. o and i shoot it mon, wed, fri. not exactly EOD, but it works just fine for me and no adverse sides.
Yep - my next cycle is gonna be omnas - i get em dirt cheap and they are real pharm so… cant be bad!
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
So did you inject eod or other?[/quote]
I injected on Tuesday and Thursday. I had enough prop in me that I was good to go for the first couple of days, and injected prop again when I got home on Saturday.
rainjack,hello…i noticed you said you used prop…if read many x’s its a painfull injection ?
I Inject TESTENANTHATE 100mg A WEEK from doc now… im looking to add somethnig to give me more of a boost per say…my readings…suggest prop can help with training energy…and even some say with fat loss ? any info would be great…thanks again
[quote]fightu35 wrote:
rainjack,hello…i noticed you said you used prop…if read many x’s its a painfull injection ?
I Inject TESTENANTHATE 100mg A WEEK from doc now… im looking to add somethnig to give me more of a boost per say…my readings…suggest prop can help with training energy…and even some say with fat loss ? any info would be great…thanks again[/quote]
Test is test whether it is enanthate, propionate, cypionate, or whatever. The only real difference is the length of the ester.
I read that yes…so other then leaving my ssytem faster…and needing to inject more…they is really no difference ? Im going by some of the info I read on it…SO…is this true ??
An eye-catching difference, however, is that the athlete “draws” distinctly less water with propionate and visibly lower water retention occurs. Since propionate is quickly effective, often after only one or two days, the athlete experience an increase of his training energy,
I get none of this on ENANTHATE…some pump yes…and stronger…which is not my goal im a pro athlete in a weight controled sport !
thanks guys!
[quote]fightu35 wrote:
I read that yes…so other then leaving my ssytem faster…and needing to inject more…they is really no difference ? Im going by some of the info I read on it…SO…is this true ??
An eye-catching difference, however, is that the athlete “draws” distinctly less water with propionate and visibly lower water retention occurs. Since propionate is quickly effective, often after only one or two days, the athlete experience an increase of his training energy,
I get none of this on ENANTHATE…some pump yes…and stronger…which is not my goal im a pro athlete in a weight controled sport !
thanks guys![/quote]
Water retention is largely a function of diet, not which ester of test you are injecting.
How fast the test kicks in IS a function of the test ester. The longer the half-life, the longer it takes to kick in.
I like Sust 250. BUT, the reason I use Test E, well the two reasons for myself. #1 it’s usually cheaper. #2, it stays in my system longer, and I can inject twice a week.
20-Dollars per injection was all the test so pricey$$$$$$$$$
I all ways hear test in mexico is way cheap!!!
Do you think it was because you were in a resort town RJ???
actually you might want to check on the fact that you think enanthate stays in your system longer…
[quote]judgeroybean wrote:
20-Dollars per injection was all the test so pricey$$$$$$$$$
I all ways hear test in mexico is way cheap!!!
Do you think it was because you were in a resort town RJ???
Absolutely. I was just across the street from Cabo Wabo in the marina district of Cabo San Lucas.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
judgeroybean wrote:
20-Dollars per injection was all the test so pricey$$$$$$$$$
I all ways hear test in mexico is way cheap!!!
Do you think it was because you were in a resort town RJ???
Absolutely. I was just across the street from Cabo Wabo in the marina district of Cabo San Lucas. [/quote]
Nice local. Did you happen to catch Sammy and the Waboritas in town?
Also, did you happen to notice a club BBG biker club at the outskirts of town on the other end?
Just curious if my boys club is still up and running these days.
[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Nice local. Did you happen to catch Sammy and the Waboritas in town?
Also, did you happen to notice a club BBG biker club at the outskirts of town on the other end?
Just curious if my boys club is still up and running these days.[/quote]
Didn’t notice the biker bar. Our resort was in San Jose Del Cabo, and we took a cab into San Lucas to eat, and just wander around the marina.
I fell in love with the place. I actually picked up a couple of real estate magazines and priced some homes in the San Jose area.
But no - no Sammy. We were there around lunch, and they said he usually doesn’t show up until well into the night. They had a pretty decent cover band, though.