[quote] Brook wrote:
Why do you need to use it all?
I would do an 8 week cycle:
Wk1-6 350mg Sust/wk (50mg/day)
Wk1-6 525mg Prop/wk (75mg/day)
Wk6-8 840mg Prop/wk (120mg/day)
I would frontload the Prop with 350mg the first day.
This would achieve pretty stable levels throughout, even though the esters seem difficult to work with.
Short, high dose, test only cycle. Fuck the esters, they arent important.
Then finish with prop only as sust levels clear, allowing PCT to begin 3-4 days post last inject.
Yeah I’m with you on this one, Brook. That sounds like the best protocol.
In my hypothetical imaginary fantasy world I’ve done 3 injectable cycles, all at the average dose of 500mg/week, so at the doses you mention (840-875mg/week), it would be the highest I’ve ever done. If I did follow your suggested cycle I don’t know how I would go in terms of sides and whether my hairline will hold up.
I guess all of it doesn’t have to be used. However, at the doses you mention, there wouldn’t be enough Prop because that totals 4.83 grams of Prop, while there would only be 3.5 grams available according to my original question.
This means that one would probably have to do the cycle as follows:
Wk1-6 350mg Sust/wk
Wk1-6 400mg Prop/wk
Wk6-8 550mg Prop/wk
I’m just talking about this in theory of course, since I don’t have the actual gear mentioned above - but it’s an interesting line of questioning & theoretical discussion to follow.