Susan Rice National Security Advisor

Hello family of Benghazi victims, here is your slap in the face.

Obama had to hook her up with something after he threw her under the bus.

He should have put Holder, Lois Lerner, and Douglas Shulman under the with her and just left them behind. I am fully aware that most of these people where more than likely following along with what the administration had instructed them to do, but if you are going to play that game and get caught the pawns like Rice have to know that they will be collateral damage to save public perception.

Instead, Obama’s arrogance makes him perfectly ok with “rubbing the publics noses” in fact that this administration and those connected to it can do what they want and as far as he is concerned are beyond reproach.

It isn’t just the liberals, nothing has come out of Benghazi. Sure, conservatives want to use it for political reasons to gain support and discredit the other side but they haven’t done shit in terms of bringing somebody to justice. It’s been a dog and pony show from both sides.

I can agree with you to a point because even as a conservative Republican I think our party can get over zealous far to often and end up making themselves look bad and quite hypocritical (ie the drone strikes which is one of the few things I agree with that Obama has done and if Bush had done it the rhetoric would be totally flipped). The only way that someone would be brought to justice over the Benghazi thing would be through military action in Libya. To be perfectly honest, although I think it would probably be more justifiable than Iraq, I don’t think the American public or the military has the stomach for another Middle Eastern conflict unless our nation is specifically threatened (which could potentially be the Iran situation in the future).

[quote]bpick86 wrote:
I can agree with you to a point because even as a conservative Republican I think our party can get over zealous far to often and end up making themselves look bad and quite hypocritical (ie the drone strikes which is one of the few things I agree with that Obama has done and if Bush had done it the rhetoric would be totally flipped). The only way that someone would be brought to justice over the Benghazi thing would be through military action in Libya. To be perfectly honest, although I think it would probably be more justifiable than Iraq, I don’t think the American public or the military has the stomach for another Middle Eastern conflict unless our nation is specifically threatened (which could potentially be the Iran situation in the future). [/quote]

I didn’t mean it in that sense. I think realistically Republicans can’t really push too hard to get people held accountable for Benghazi, then it starts raising questions nobody wants to be raised. They could have really took it to Clinton but didn’t. It’s just disappointing how little has been done about it, there really hasn’t even been somebody that’d to take the fall. It’s like a choreographed sparring session.

This is Obama’s way of saying “fuck you” to Republicans for the current investigations against the White House.

Problem is, if Rice screws up again, it could backfire badly.