Since supplements from North America cost quite literally twice as much over here. For instance Flameout on this site costs $36.99(£23.39) for 90caps, over here it costs $63.26(£39.99), or Surge Workout Fuel on this site $49.99(£31.60) over here $86.36(£54.59). Can anyone recommend supplements for us brits? Brands, and ingredients to look for and avoid.
I’m looking for advice on an isolate protein powder, Fish oil, multi vitamin, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, a probiotic, rhodiola rosea, and maybe HCL
Also why does it cost so much to import supplements into Britain?
I moved to the UK recently and I have been using Reflex One Stop, seems alright. I feel you though on the prices of Biotest supplies It’s a bitch. Wish I could get a hold of Beta-Alanine here.
[quote]JT91 wrote:
I moved to the UK recently and I have been using Reflex One Stop, seems alright. I feel you though on the prices of Biotest supplies It’s a bitch. Wish I could get a hold of Beta-Alanine here.[/quote]
[quote]JT91 wrote:
I moved to the UK recently and I have been using Reflex One Stop, seems alright. I feel you though on the prices of Biotest supplies It’s a bitch. Wish I could get a hold of Beta-Alanine here.[/quote]
dont use Biotest unless you’re loaded or specifically wanting to use their Anaconda protocol.
I cant link to it, but i use a company called MyProtein, they do everything