Superior PCT - Constructive Criticism

Hey Guys,

I am at an intermediate level and would like some scrutiny from the advanced regarding this PCT setup for the following cycle:

WK 1-3 Test P 175, Test E 500, NPP 175, Deca 500
WK 4-5 Test E 600, Deca 600
WK 6-7 Test P 450, NPP 450, Winny Inj 350
WK 8-10 Test P 500, Winny Inj 500, 40 MG DBOL ED

Also, was on gh 40 days before cycle began @ 2.5iu morning and afternoon with weekends off. Still on and going to continue for a while more.

WK 7-11 “PCT PREP” Letro 2.5 e3d, HCG 500 e3d, Vitamin E 1000iu ED (multidoses, increases HCG uptake)

WK 11-14 Letro is discontinued around day of last shot. Five days after last Prop/Win shot begin 25mg Aromasin 40 mg Nolva for 15 days and then continue with 25mg Aromasin and bring Nolva down to 20mg for 15 days. The HCG 500 e3d is ran from WK 7 all the way through the 1st WK of PCT.

Fenugreek, and Tribulus are used from WK 7-14 to support PCT Prep and PCT
DHEA may be used also in PCT but stacked with Aromasin/Nolva to prohibit the conversion of DHEA into estrogen

You are all over the place with your different esters and what not. you doing that so it peaks in your blood quicker, and then towards the end so you have active androgens while you get close to the end of your cycle? Your dose of nandralone is pretty high, have you used these doses before?? Seems like you know what you are doing, why bother asking us??

This is crazy.

Hey All,

Yes the combined nandrolone is high at the first few weeks but the long acting deca takes a bit to kick in that’s why I paired with NPP. Same philosophy with Test E & P. I do admit I used poor planning with this cycle but I was making the most out of what I had at the moment. Any way I can report in that I am currently 10 weeks into the above schedule and have not deviated. I am using this for a strength cycle only, as I am a powerlifter and not a bodybuilder.

I frequent 2 cycles per year tops, and use thorough PCT regiments. I decided mid cycle to get off deca because I was getting too big, and decided maybe dbol and Winny would be a happy medium that would control size and help me to get very strong, and low and behold that is what it has done. I am 5’8’’ 195-200lb range and am benching around 500lbs (no bench shirt). I like to start and end with fast esters so that I can kick off quick and end quick (PCT 5 days after fast ester shot).

Ratinal Gaze- let me know your thought’s and I’d be happy to give you my scientific explanation for why I believe or have come to believe that the methodology I am using works. I typically do not use deca because of the water retention but wanted to implement it since I have heard useful effects on bone/joint health.

idowhatican- This may be somewhat overboard but this is the first time I have used NPP or DECA… I guess I realized a little bit in that the cycle was a tad too strong and wanted to change it up. Anyway I’m posting my plan to learn and develop. My goal is #1 raw bench in the world and I have to be very cautious about injury and I want to stick to only 2 cycles a year with thorough PCT in place at the end of every cycle.

Chime in experts, please.
