Are your lifts listed 1 rep max or working sets?
What is your height?
Are your lifts listed 1 rep max or working sets?
What is your height?
those are my 1 rep maxes and im 6 foot even
[quote]GreenGoblin wrote:
Hey Karl,
May I ask what your aversion to T3 while on this cycle is ?
Although I have many cycles under my belt, I personally havent run Tren yet but have some on hand and it IS part of my next cycle. To that end, I also got some T3 to run with it because of research I had done that suggested a dose of 25mcg per day of T3 whilst on the Tren.
Although I am asking Karl because of his comment … anyone feel free to jump in on that question please.
My aversion: T3 can cause your thyroid to slow/shut down requiring you to take meds for the rest of your life. There is no HCG or Nolva for Thyroid that I know of. You’d just be stuck. Even just a little slow down would be pretty crappy. Basically, your body would aim to get even fatter for the rest of your life…or you take pills…
Also note that T3 will compete for protein so you need to be taking in more protein even than you usually would on cycle. If this were me, I would look into the effect drol+ultra massive protein intake would have on my internals…
thanks for the reply and giving me something more to research prior to beginning my Tren cycle.
My concern (and reason for taking T3) were prolactin related sides.
Although I know from research that prolactin related sides are not as pronounced while on Tren as they can be with something like Deca … it is a concern of mine none the less.
Of my two “friends” … neither carry caber or like prodcuts.
Perhaps I should start my own seperate thread or just re-read all Tren threads I thought I perused thoughoughly again and this will be answered … but how much of a concern is prolactin sides w/ Tren ???
IS caber or like product necessary?
Thanks for all replies.
For your goals I would strongly suggest;
Drop 5/3/1, it is not aggressive enough for the strength gains you are after. It is a BRILLIANT template, but is more appropriate for “slow and steady” gains.
Here’s a rough idea of the cycle I would run in your shoes;
1-12 test (lowest…e.g. 200/300mg PW)
1-12 tren (HIGHEST… 400mg PW minimum, depending on how you handle this… with low dose test you may surprise yourself)
6-12 winstrol ~50mg
6-12 anadrol ~100mg
In fact I would run the orals for the whole cycle, but I get Liver Function tests done regularly and I’m lucky in my ability to handle this.
Caber not necessary IME.
I would not touch T3 as that other guy said.
GH or an analogue would serve you much better in the “cutting” department than T3, DNP, Clen, ECA or any of that stupid shit.
Caber’s not that hard to get hold of these days. Cheap generics available on online pharmas all over the place. Pretty reliabe IME.
Other than that, some people on this bored report good results with pramipexole for supressing prolactin - plus it helps with any Tren induced insomnia. I will be experimenting that route on my next cycle using tren.
[quote]WyldFlower wrote:
Caber’s not that hard to get hold of these days. Cheap generics available on online pharmas all over the place. Pretty reliabe IME.
Other than that, some people on this bored report good results with pramipexole for supressing prolactin - plus it helps with any Tren induced insomnia. I will be experimenting that route on my next cycle using tren.[/quote]
Dave … Wyld … thanks for the replies. OP … sorry to interject so much in your thread. But ty … it was informative for me as well.
Nice cycle. It will all matter on your diet and cardio, depending on metabolism, if you will reach your BF goals.
2 wks in update
so far so good. havent had much as far as side effects go. no night sweats or anything like that yet, and the androl at only 50 a day isnt giving me any problems. next week i go off clen for 2 wks. so, im gonna go crazy with the coffee, and maube buy me an eca stack.
ive lost 5 lb so far, but i have a feeling that will go down alot next week when the drol is out of my system.
as for what i do for cardio.
4 days a week i do this routine
9am i wake up 45min low intesity on a recumbent bike
1pm walk to the gym 30min
2pm walk home from gym 30min
11pm 45min low intesity on a recumbent bike
and 2 days a week i run some hill sprints. starting at 5 hope to get to 10 this summer
as for why i take so much. i figured whyll im still young at cycling i might as well. my body handles it really well. i virtually get no side effects. no acne no sex drive issues, no sleep issues, really nothing. only androl at 100 a day gave me any problems
[quote]yo6002 wrote:
2 wks in update
so far so good. havent had much as far as side effects go. no night sweats or anything like that yet, and the androl at only 50 a day isnt giving me any problems. next week i go off clen for 2 wks. so, im gonna go crazy with the coffee, and maube buy me an eca stack.
ive lost 5 lb so far, but i have a feeling that will go down alot next week when the drol is out of my system.
as for what i do for cardio.
4 days a week i do this routine
9am i wake up 45min low intesity on a recumbent bike
1pm walk to the gym 30min
2pm walk home from gym 30min
11pm 45min low intesity on a recumbent bike
and 2 days a week i run some hill sprints. starting at 5 hope to get to 10 this summer[/quote]
So what did you end up doing cycle-wise?
~250lbs at 15%bf you’d be looking at dropping 19lbs to be at 8%: so 1.5lbs per week which should be easy for you if you focus that as your goal and let the rest happen.
~The Anadrol and somewhat from the test, is going to make the numbers look different from water weight gain during your cycle, and much depends on your macronutrient numbers and how you handle everything, so calipers and the mirror are going to be your best reference points.
~The bike is a pretty lousy cardio tool imo, but if it’s what you got then why not?
i love the bike only because i roll it out infront of the tv and catch up on some shows while a burn a few calories. i decided not to go over 75mg of t3 a day and i stoppped the drol at wk 2. may cycle the drol every 2 wks.