First I would like to say that I wish I would have come to this forum like 5 months ago.
I’m 33 years Old and have been listing for at least 14 years.
Here is where my story, I’ll try my best to keep it short as possible.
This past January I was running a Epi Cycle 30/30/40/40. The first 2 weeks things were fine and I say about the 3rd week is when I started feeling some sides (Lethargic,occasional light head). I didn’t think much of these sides until one day I was out at a convention center for a expo when all of a Sudden I started to feel Off Balance and like I was going to pass out. I thought maybe I didn’t eat enough so I went to grab some food and I sat down for a while, it went away so I didn’t think anything of it. A week later the same thing happened to me at a theme park when I was with the family, this time that feeling lasted for over an hour.
I stopped the cycle started Tamoxifen and set up an appointment with my doctor. Doctor said I might have Vertigo based on Symptoms below, he ordered a Blood Test
Symptoms (these symptoms only happen in social areas never at home)
Light Headed
Off Balance
Pressure in front area of face above nose in between eyes
Brain Fog
Sensitive to Lights(Like my office lighting)
Blood Test 2/09/2016
FREE T4 1.4 0.8-1.8
TSH W/Reflex to FT4 5.54 0.40 - 4.50
Doctor Said that I may be sub Hypo and prescribed me with 50 mcg of T4, said to start off with only 25mcg and up after 7 days to full dose. Well I immediately started to have more issues, now I was having heart palpitations and racing heart along with panic attacks at work.
I went back to this doctor after 2 weeks to tell him I’m feeling crappier now, he said maybe I do have vertigo which will go away and told me to taper off the T4. After this I went looking for another doctor.
Blood Test Results for New Doctor (25 Days on T4) 03/16
Thyroglobulin Antibodies <1 < or > = 1 IU/mL
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies <1 <9 IU/ML
Free T4 1.3 0.8- 1.8 ng/dL
TSH 8.24 0.40 - 4.50 MIU/ml
My doctor placed me on Nature Throid and shes been helping me increase my dose slowly over the last few months. This is probably the first week where I’m starting to feel better. My temp is still in the low 97 range but it used to be low 96’s.
So I’ve been trying to figure out what happened with my Thyroid.
At the time of my issues in January, I was working lots of overtime, exercising everyday,restricting my calories and getting very little rest. I did notice that anytime I got up from say sitting at my desk, I would be light headed for about 5 seconds.
Prior to being diagnosed I didn’t have any of the typical HYPO symptoms. As I remained on the Thyroid meds I started to experience more hypo symptoms.
Could I have screwed myself by getting a blood test so soon right after a cycle? When I got my blood test I was running Nolva. Could my off balance issues just be caused by Anxiety? I’m wondering if that small dose of T4 just suppressed my natural thyroid hormones?