Stupid Lyrics

I’m sitting here at work, trying to get stuff done, when my IQ is involuntarily lowered by the lyrics (and I quote): “I am smellin’ like a rose that somebody gave me”

“heh heh. I rite gud.”

Seriously, does the music industry even have editors to red pen this stuff? “Word choice, Mr. Weiland!”

Scott Weiland,while may be a drug addict and whatnot is a pretty talented guy,who writes good lyrics,and makes tons of money doing it.He will also be remembered for many,many years so i am sure his word choice(s) are just fine…BTW thats a good song…

dude, that isn’t really a bad lyric. Hit me baby one more time.

I like Outkast. They make great lyrics.

Oh? He makes tons of money? Damn, I guess I was all wrong about those crappy lyrics! You just convinced me!


And now for our next addition: “Conversion software Version 7.0” Comeon, guys… I never thought I’d be subjected to hearing ‘version 7.0’ in a song, of all places. Grow up, being modern isn’t about copying microsoft naming conventions.

How about “slow & steady rush” by some country singer. I’ve never understood how anything that’s rushing could be slow & steady.