Strongman training for Tactical Games (TX_iron)

Wednesday & Thursday - Sparring

Warm-up, then:

3, 3:00 rounds/1:00 break, followed up with heavy bag, speed bag, crazy bad, and shadowboxing.

Three, three minute rounds is a total gasser for me. Coach said Thursday I did better than Wednesday and got in some good shots. But the end of round three, especially on Thursday, my conditioning failed me and I just started getting pummeled. I’m still a little dazed today, and sore everywhere. Especially in the face.

Things i need to work on are:

  • Being more offensive (driving forward, multiple punches, more frequency of engagement)
  • keeping my hands up
  • pumping the jab
  • controlling the center ring position

forgot to add the coolest part! After my session, I was approached by an older gentleman who boxed in the Olympics and he spent the next five minutes giving me pointers like freeing up my hands to block and jab/combo technique.

He also suggested I punch with weights, 50 reps/arm every day. I’ve read articles on how fighters shouldn’t do that, but if a man who boxed on the world stage recommended it to me personally, then do it I shall.


That’d be solid, but I don’t see myself ever doing one now haha. I’m getting a burning interest in long range shooting matches though, and the Carolinas are home to some good ones so who knows!

I started doing PCSL/USPSA pistol matches and have been trying to get a two-gun to work with my schedule. Those actually kind of killed the desire to do tactical games for me. The shooting is just much higher level and that’s the draw. They’re also like $15-50 bucks per haha.

I think you can get down to my draw time pretty quickly with a couple weeks dry fire. Standard I use is 7 yards and A zone hits on a full size USPSA target. Very, very doable. Trick for me has been getting the same grip established every draw at speed so I can just break the shot as soon as the dot appears on the target.

Goddamn that’s awesome. What an opportunity.

He also suggested I punch with weights, 50 reps/arm every day. I’ve read articles on how fighters shouldn’t do that, but if a man who boxed on the world stage recommended it to me personally, then do it I shall.

Yup! “If it’s stupid but it works: it’s not stupid”