@twojarslave I’m feeling like an 1800’s pinpal here. Funny how things work out; my instructor has since left the school we were training at, and has invited us to come train with him Fight Club style early this year. It won’t count towards a belt or anything but like you, I’m not in it for the cotton.
Thanks for the tips! Next time I roll with a bigger opponent I’ll be sure to run it through my head. I was actually having issue with intentionally going onto my back so I could work my opponent with my knees, but I caught myself doing it too much/relinquishing the dominant start position, and have since been really trying to work on my takedowns.
I’m remiss to say that I haven’t rolled since my last post, but fully intend to take our instructor up on his offer once he gets settled-in.
So, the competition came and went; I came home with a 3rd/4.
Deadlift medley 450x2 trap bar, 405x2 axle, 405xamrap bar:
I got counted for 4/6 reps on the bar because I touch & Go’ed on two of the reps, which was explicitly forbidden. I spent too much time training T&G, so when the stars began to come into my vision my body did what I had been programming it to do. Time to buckle down & do some deadstop work. I’m extremely happy with the performance though still. Had it taken place in training, I’d have counted it as a 405x8 – a artillery shell of a lifetime PR for me! Also proof that submax work plus lots of posterior & back volume moves my deadlift.
ALSO - I have been training in chucks, and pulled in socks. I’ve heard Paul Carter talking about pulling in training from about a .5” deficit having big carryover, and I think that was a factor here. Going to keep training in shoes, and competing in socks.
200/240lb axle:
I thought I hit it twice (after a failed attempt with 240), but after seeing the results I zeroed. My lockout was questionable and it showed on the scoreboard. Going forward, I need to develop my damn tricep strength. Arm day? Finally, a good excuse.
200lb sandbag, 200lb keg over bar (sprint medley):
I won this event! I clocked-in at just over 30 seconds. The 2ndplace took 37 seconds. I went keg first, low carry. Up until this comp, I’ve always placed at the bottom of the pack during carries, so I’m glad to see this has now become a strength. I’ll coast on the carries for a while to focus on some weaker areas.
430lb Tire flip:
12 reps in a minute. Lost some time by flipping it in a weird direction, since it took a while to reset. I came in 3rd and the top guy got 14, so that lost time was too valuable for mistakes.
230lb stone over bar:
I only got it twice, top guy took 6-7. I hadn’t played with a real atlas stone in preparation, and it showed. I think a big issue here was leg strength. A 300lb front squat just isn’t going to cut it. On the bright side, upon reviewing the video the stone sits in my lap at parallel, so I don’t really need to go super deep.
All-in-all, I had a great time at the comp, and am looking forward to the next one
My goals are to get up to a lean 190lbs and boost my static strength, especially in my arms and legs. My training plan going forward is somewhat of a blend of Westside for Skinny Bastards 2 and full-blown conjugate. Hopefully sooner than later, I’ll get to the BJJ garage fight club & get some grappling in.
Weight: 176lbs (lost a LOT over the month of December, I always lose weight during vacation time)
Max Effort Upper (MU) 1
A1) Close-grip fat gripz bench – ramp to 225x3, 5x5 @ 175 (80%)
A2) Lots of chins (various grips)
Seal Dumbbell rows – 50, 25 RPDS*
Machine incline - rpds
Band triceps, plate curls, lateral raises
RPRP = A rest-pause set followed by a rest-pause drop set (6 total sets in succession)
Strongman Conditioning Day (SM) 1
Chest-high box jumps – 10 reps
5 rounds, 10 reps per movement per round of: 100lbs kettlebell swings, light tire flips, toes to bar
Trap bar farmer carries (strapped) – 135, 225, 315, 405, 315 for distance
Calf raises x leg press: 5x10
Dynamic Upper (DU) 1
Strict press - Ramped to 115x8
Banded Pin press (bar at nose-level) – 95lbs + band, 10x2 EMOM
Some grenade toes to bar
50ln EZ bar curl, 25lb plate raises, tricep bands – 5x10