First time on cycle, started with Test E 250mg/twice a week on friday an monday, adex on hand but havnt needed it, pct on hand clomid an nolva, its 3 weeks tomorrow. which if i do pin it will be my seventh shot since i started, (only had 6 shots too date)
After my 3rd shot i noticed a hard small mass on the shaft of my old fella, only noticable if you press on shaft (it is not visable) got it checked by GP an then health clinic both of which are not concerned… couldnt help but think its related to the test, i continued shots an tried to put it behind me. But have since found my self worrying about any small changes, and over stupid shit, like im pretty sure i stretched my hip flexor but because its in the groin im second guessing my self thinking maybe lymth nodes are reacting to something, then i notice heart beating harder, started worrying about BP, when i did my research on side effects the only thing that worried me was losing my mojo or ed post cycle (having read some bad experiences)
didnt once read anything about emotional rollercoaster and Anxiety, for which i can not shake, im not usually one to have it either,
This isnt the experience i was hoping for and have made the decision to stop based on, if i cant control my worries now how will i control them when everything is amplified come later in cycle. Bottom line is im not in the right head space now. An the poor mrs is noticing it, she has been great with reassurance an supporting me with what ever i choose to do.
Which is, Im gonna wait 10days from last shot (6 shots in total @250mg) then run clomid 50 an nolva 20 for 2 weeks as precaution as i assume i havnt suppressed my testies yet, still look an feel same size and im assuming the test e would not have even peaked yet, although probably not far off,
So far i have gained 5kg ( probably water retention)
Strength an measurments are up slightly with only my waist staying same prior to start of cycle, if its any relevance i have been training for 10+years, 30yr old otherwise healthy 6’2 @105kg (100kg before cycle) bf:13% and diet is good
Question: should the pct be sufficient, anyone else stopped cycle early?
Should i still expect a rollercoast of emotions with pct coming of early (clomid)
And would it be safe to say everything will return back to normal, i had and still have an awesome mojo, no changes there haha dont wanna lose that
Cheers lads