Stopping Test E Cycle 3 Weeks In

First time on cycle, started with Test E 250mg/twice a week on friday an monday, adex on hand but havnt needed it, pct on hand clomid an nolva, its 3 weeks tomorrow. which if i do pin it will be my seventh shot since i started, (only had 6 shots too date)
After my 3rd shot i noticed a hard small mass on the shaft of my old fella, only noticable if you press on shaft (it is not visable) got it checked by GP an then health clinic both of which are not concerned… couldnt help but think its related to the test, i continued shots an tried to put it behind me. But have since found my self worrying about any small changes, and over stupid shit, like im pretty sure i stretched my hip flexor but because its in the groin im second guessing my self thinking maybe lymth nodes are reacting to something, then i notice heart beating harder, started worrying about BP, when i did my research on side effects the only thing that worried me was losing my mojo or ed post cycle (having read some bad experiences)
didnt once read anything about emotional rollercoaster and Anxiety, for which i can not shake, im not usually one to have it either,

This isnt the experience i was hoping for and have made the decision to stop based on, if i cant control my worries now how will i control them when everything is amplified come later in cycle. Bottom line is im not in the right head space now. An the poor mrs is noticing it, she has been great with reassurance an supporting me with what ever i choose to do.
Which is, Im gonna wait 10days from last shot (6 shots in total @250mg) then run clomid 50 an nolva 20 for 2 weeks as precaution as i assume i havnt suppressed my testies yet, still look an feel same size and im assuming the test e would not have even peaked yet, although probably not far off,

So far i have gained 5kg ( probably water retention)
Strength an measurments are up slightly with only my waist staying same prior to start of cycle, if its any relevance i have been training for 10+years, 30yr old otherwise healthy 6’2 @105kg (100kg before cycle) bf:13% and diet is good

Question: should the pct be sufficient, anyone else stopped cycle early?
Should i still expect a rollercoast of emotions with pct coming of early (clomid)
And would it be safe to say everything will return back to normal, i had and still have an awesome mojo, no changes there haha dont wanna lose that

Cheers lads

First off, good on you for recognizing that this isn’t for you. It takes a lot to admit that we’re not ready for something. Your mental health is just as (if not more) important than physical health.

I’d say skip the Clomid. That drug has a lot of tough potential side effects and if you’re having anxiety issues then maybe avoid that one for now. Nolva only will work just fine. 40/40/20/20 should take care of you.


No dont avoid nolva and dont avoid pct. Yes your nuts will start back again naturally but there is not one good reason soneone can give you for NOT running a nolva pct after being shut down for 3 weeks which is ultimately 5 weeks with the ester involved


Righto so i had some bloods done about 42hrs after my last injection on monday, im due today for what would be my 7th shot an to start week 4.
Long story short to save ya the read, everything come back as per normal for a healthy 30yr old on anobolics.

My FSH hormone levels are just starting to depress, and my total and free testosterone levels are elevated, a pattern which is typically seen with anabolic steroid use but can also indicate tumours that result in an overproduction of androgens (such as testicular cancer). The short-term suppression of LH/FSH is expected with anabolic/androgenic steroid administration.
Ive read most guys to have zero LH/FSH mine are at 1 time of testing, still awaiting estrogen results, these take a week, assuming will be elevated!

Testosterone 78.9 nmol/L #high
Free Testosterone 2337 pmol/L #high
FSH 1 IU/L #low
LH 1 IU/L #low
Progesterone 4 nmol/L #slightly high but not significant

Liver function results are within normal range.

kidney function tests are all within normal range

My cholesterol is all good apart from HDL which is slightly lower than normal. My HDL 0.93 mmol/L with
HDL 1.00 mmol/L and above to be normal so im .07 out, nothing to worry about an to be expected

My non-HDL cholesterol is within the normal range

Adrenocortex Function normal

Blood glucose normal

Full blood count all normal including Lymphocytes haha one of my worries.

I almost want to continue after getting these results but who is to say i wont start to worry more about the chances of Ed or libido loss come the end, as this was my biggest fear before starting,
i feel while i have a window i should stop, an go back to natty old me, not to toot my own horn but naturally i get asked if im on or ever been on the juice and it was good to say i was natty, but then after years of wondering how big could i get or mates saying imagine if i were on it. I caved and thought why not ya only live once.
Lessons ive learnt an if i did it again or was to give any advice.

  1. You can never do enough research or prepare your self enough for the changes that will come.
    Research the shit out of your chosen substance,
    The supplier/, the brand, injection techniques, write down any sides that concern you, an research peoples experiences on them both emotional and physical and both on cycle, on pct and post pct.
  2. Get bloods done weeks prior to starting, from this point check your self physically weekly and write it down, grab ya go nads, shaft, nipples, chest, feel for any abnormalties as i can assure you if you feel anything even 30sec after ya first shot your gonna wonder…
    Write down how your feeling, and mood day to day, blood pressure, do weekly, weight, measurments, anything you can look back on an compare.
  3. Do more research, really know your pct, what if you have an injury half way, or health issues an need to stop.

I thought i was well prepared but feel i fell short, thanks heaps for the advice guys will be starting my pct thursday prob will just go nova depending on my estrogen results
If anyone wishes to ask some personal questions on my short 3 week experience more then happy to shed some light. Maybe one day ill go it again

To be honest, a lot of the guys go through the same roller coaster. It stabilizes out after awhile. Your body is trying to balance itself. You were only 3 weeks in, I would have tried to stick with it for awhile. Find some way to control your anxieties.


I do believe you are right but My only control was being active, being with mrs or mates an even then it got me, the pros dont out way the cons with any bad state of mental health and i know im not the usual happy self i use to be due to worrying, i know alot of it is in my head an im pretty strong when comes to that, hence why i know i gotta let it go, one road has clarity and higher chance of recovery, the other road has uncertainty which if i have anxiety is not a good road. Im happy with my size an i could probably get to were i want natty with some more hard work an dedication. Which all this has giving me that drive to do so,

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Thats the truth. Especially when i front load. Anxiety is thru the fuckin roof. I get to worrying about every little thing. Then i remind my self its just the juice. Still sucks tho… But hey no pain no gainzzzzzzzzzzzz


Props to OP tho for making that decision and being the bigger man and making the decision that was right for him.


How did it go after stopping 3 weeks in did u back
To normal levels ?

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