Stopping Test Cyp Early

First time poster. Huge thanks to all you guys for all the valuable stuff you put up. I started a test cyp solo cycle but it’s been riddled with problems. I took 500mg one week in two doses but the vial got smashed after a bookcase fell (yeah… I know). So no test cyp for two weeks after 2nd shot and took another two shots this weeks while I sourced another but I have to leave the country for work in a week and don’t really fancy brining test to an airport or shipping it. so I’m just gonna cut the damn cycle short and take it as a sign for not now since anything that can go wrong, has.

Question is, can I just stop the cycle now without PCT or just take a natural pct and no nolvadex / clomid etc.

Total pins were 4.

Week 1 - 250 cyp x 2
Week 2 - 0
Week 3 - 0
Week 4 - 250 cyp x 2 (here now)

No. You’re already shut down at this point. You need a pct or you will feel like dog shit and likely lose a lot of muscle in the process.

Thought so myself. Would a simple 40/40/20/20 return me to base line?

I would personally add HCG the day of your last pin. But yeah, that should work.