[quote]dannyrat wrote:
I haven’t time enough to criticise you rainjack. I tried engaging intelligently, but you see no reason and condescend, until i reveal about your mother. You’re a sweaty fossil.

Thunder- you’ve refused again to accept my ideas, agreeing with their legitimacy, then drawing a zany alternative conclusion in the next sentence- like ‘Jews moving there quadrupled the population’- Did the Jews force arabs to make sweet, sweet love? Don’t be ridiculous. Neoconservatism, etc- that’s been dealth with for those who know, its evolved conservatism.

I’m glad no-one wrote ‘bang’, that always really sharply and wittily undermines anything i say (haha)

No point speaking to conservative (by European standards) neocolonial zealots


Nice dodge, junior. Your use of neocon is incorrect. I called you on it. And instead of doing a little reading and figuring it out - you come back with more name calling.

Like I have said before - I rise to the level of my opponent. I am not going to waste my time expressing my views to a punk assed little fucking prick like yourself that has nothing better to do than fantasize about the sex life of his family pet.

You are a troll. And a piss poor one at that.

Engaging you in debate is comical. You are the loud mouthed kid that just won’t shut the fuck up. How do you debate a fuckwad like that? Why would you?

I will continue to do exactly what I am doing to you and the rest of the trolls until you are gone. We had a nice little forum here where debate was heated, but it went somewhere.

Fucks like you have come in and screwed it all up. And don’t think for a second that your tripe is even remotely enlightened. It is freshman propaganda you have swallowed like it was your last blow job.

dannyrat go away, you add nothing to this board.

[quote]rainjack wrote:

Fucks like you have come in and screwed it all up. And don’t think for a second that your tripe is even remotely enlightened. It is freshman propaganda you have swallowed like it was your last blow job.


Based on his posts, he sure has swallowed a lot.


[quote]rainjack wrote:
dannyrat wrote:
I haven’t time enough to criticise you rainjack. I tried engaging intelligently, but you see no reason and condescend, until i reveal about your mother. You’re a sweaty fossil.

Thunder- you’ve refused again to accept my ideas, agreeing with their legitimacy, then drawing a zany alternative conclusion in the next sentence- like ‘Jews moving there quadrupled the population’- Did the Jews force arabs to make sweet, sweet love? Don’t be ridiculous. Neoconservatism, etc- that’s been dealth with for those who know, its evolved conservatism.

I’m glad no-one wrote ‘bang’, that always really sharply and wittily undermines anything i say (haha)

No point speaking to conservative (by European standards) neocolonial zealots


Nice dodge, junior. Your use of neocon is incorrect. I called you on it. And instead of doing a little reading and figuring it out - you come back with more name calling.

Like I have said before - I rise to the level of my opponent. I am not going to waste my time expressing my views to a punk assed little fucking prick like yourself that has nothing better to do than fantasize about the sex life of his family pet.

You are a troll. And a piss poor one at that.

Engaging you in debate is comical. You are the loud mouthed kid that just won’t shut the fuck up. How do you debate a fuckwad like that? Why would you?

I will continue to do exactly what I am doing to you and the rest of the trolls until you are gone. We had a nice little forum here where debate was heated, but it went somewhere.

Fucks like you have come in and screwed it all up. And don’t think for a second that your tripe is even remotely enlightened. It is freshman propaganda you have swallowed like it was your last blow job.


Read a lot like ‘I can’t prove you wrong, so i’ll quibble over the definition of neocon, and therefore i’ll try to shun you.’ Please, shun me.
You didn’t respons to the OP at all. Perhaps in each thread, we should put a disclaimer, for a) you or b) me.

Disagreeing with me is one thing. Persistently cricising me and constantly referencing my one insult directed at you- this is all you’ve done. Your whole pro-Israel thing is tired. I’m not even pro-arab.

I just don’t like colonialism. If you reply, i bet it will have nothing to do with anything i’ve said. If you can’t intelligently debate it, just be quiet. How is business going anyway?

What is your opinion on Israel being a Mideast state created in the forties, and now wanting to be ‘European’, despite all the pain it has taken to cement it in the mideast?

If you don’t have an opinion on this, don’t reply. I have nothing to say about 'American soldiers, we’re honoured, so i don’t go in there and just attack all the nationalism exhibited.

If i start a thread, silence is all i want from you. Your conception of ‘before you, debate got heated but it went somewhere’ is a bit fascist. So you’ll only debate if i agree with you? I don’t agree with you because i know more about this than you, and know you’re wrong.

‘Freshman’ is a US term. I’m English. I’ve never given blowjobs. I’ve never been indoctrinated. I know that terrorism is wrong, but i want to intelligently explore its’ causes, so we can intelligently remove it from our society.

You really should go to war with headhunter

[quote]dannyrat wrote:

Thunder- you’ve refused again to accept my ideas, agreeing with their legitimacy, then drawing a zany alternative conclusion in the next sentence- like ‘Jews moving there quadrupled the population’- Did the Jews force arabs to make sweet, sweet love? Don’t be ridiculous. Neoconservatism, etc- that’s been dealth with for those who know, its evolved conservatism. [/quote]

And you have demonstrated your limitations in trying to discuss this issue. You prefer simplistic stereotyping and selcective history/

You claim you want to ‘understand’ what is going on in the Middle East, but you haven’t shown the ability to see outside a narrow point of view you want to see. For example, how can it be colonialism when the Ottoman regime allowed Jews to come into the disputed areas and permitted Jews to buy up land fairly and squarely? Was the Ottoman Empire actually plotting against the Arabs by plotting with the Zionists?

Plus, there was never any such thing as ‘Palestine’ or the ‘Palestinian people’ until it became a convenient ploy to claim that Israel had bullied the rightful people off the land, thus justifying the Arabs’ murderous grievances against Jews - all the while playing on naive Westerners all hopped up on post-colonial guilt and making people like you accomplices to what is nothing more than anti-Semitic fascism.

But don’t bother addressing the points I raised - it’s not worth it. Trying to decipher your crude writing is hard enough, let alone the impossibility of having a discussion when you you have such a small grasp of historical context. Plus, any fool that thinks there are two types of opinions on the issue - ‘neocons’ and everyone else - is bush league at best.

This conversation is over.

[quote]dannyrat wrote:

You really should go to war with headhunter[/quote]

I agree with probably 95% of what he writes, and he’s way more knowledgeable on these topics than I am.

It was fun watching him create a new orifice for you. One of the best shred jobs ever.


[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
dannyrat wrote:

Thunder- you’ve refused again to accept my ideas, agreeing with their legitimacy, then drawing a zany alternative conclusion in the next sentence- like ‘Jews moving there quadrupled the population’- Did the Jews force arabs to make sweet, sweet love? Don’t be ridiculous. Neoconservatism, etc- that’s been dealth with for those who know, its evolved conservatism.

And you have demonstrated your limitations in trying to discuss this issue. You prefer simplistic stereotyping and selcective history/

You claim you want to ‘understand’ what is going on in the Middle East, but you haven’t shown the ability to see outside a narrow point of view you want to see. For example, how can it be colonialism when the Ottoman regime allowed Jews to come into the disputed areas and permitted Jews to buy up land fairly and squarely? Was the Ottoman Empire actually plotting against the Arabs by plotting with the Zionists?

Plus, there was never any such thing as ‘Palestine’ or the ‘Palestinian people’ until it became a convenient ploy to claim that Israel had bullied the rightful people off the land, thus justifying the Arabs’ murderous grievances against Jews - all the while playing on naive Westerners all hopped up on post-colonial guilt and making people like you accomplices to what is nothing more than anti-Semitic fascism.

But don’t bother addressing the points I raised - it’s not worth it. Trying to decipher your crude writing is hard enough, let alone the impossibility of having a discussion when you you have such a small grasp of historical context. Plus, any fool that thinks there are two types of opinions on the issue - ‘neocons’ and everyone else - is bush league at best.

This conversation is over.[/quote]

No, no, no. The British plotted against the Ottomans. They were the imperial power in those days.

The rest- you have to put me in a box to silence your conscience i think. I recognise from Zap, Vroom, Rainjack, Headhunter, you, Doogie et al, there is a diverse spectrum of opposition to what i think. That doesn’t make me wrong. ‘It takes a nation of millions to hold me back’ haha

I have postcolonial guilt, in small measure. I was never responsible for what happened out there, or what is happening now (and i don’t endorse collateral damage or terrorism so i will never be responsible for a single death out there). Guilt keeps the Germans out of Nietzche-interpretative nationalism, it’s an effective tool.

My family was never involved in colonialism. All have escaped war, since The Somme. That’s cool with me.

I’m glad the conversation is over.
I can do without spurious attacks on my historical perspicuity and orthographical fluency

Headhunter’s just salty as he can’t press buttons which demolish homes.

There’s been far too many threads on this subject. And there’s far too much belligerence among you guys. At worst, i’ve disrupted the ideological accord of an internet sub-forum. You all seem hell-bent on domination, by whatever name. Stop talking, go to war if you believe in it


In brief- The Ottoman Empire was archaic. People farmed common land. They didn’t want to register the land in anyone’s name, as they’d be liable for the tax bill. (Shit, i don’t want my name on the NTL bill in my house)
So they registered the land with rich people- not of the people. Bourgeois, sort of. Then, 1900 or so, and after, rich Jews bought the land. The general population were fucked.

Let’s see a source for this version of this sordid little tale. [/quote]

I took some minutes and found one reference very easily, in a small, accessible book you all should read- i’ll quote without parenthetical commentary, direct from the book

‘The Palestine Israel Conflict’ by Gregory Harms


"The fellahin conitinued farming with the assumption that their rights to the land had not changed. Registration was thought of as merely a technicality. Though some of the new landowners were local Palestinian landlords, most were absentee landlords, and of these most were non-Palestinian.

The fellahin claim to the land was caight in a lose-lose predicament- register your family and risk losing the land due to insufficient means to pay the taxes, or have the landlord register for you and risk losing the land through sale to a third party. With the Zionist movement in high gear and making its way to Palestine, a motivated and willing third party was fast approaching, namely, European and Russian Jews.

Zionist slogan-

‘A land without a people for a people without a land’

After the 1st Aliyah- Ahad Ha’am, a Zionist leader from Eastern Europe wrote in 1891- ‘We abroad are used to believing that Eretz Israel is now almost desolate, a desert that is not sowed, and that anyone who wishes to, may come and purchase as much land as he wishes. But in truth this is not the case. Throughout the country it is difficult to find fields that are not sowed.’ "


"After the 2nd Aliyah

In other words, the fellahin who had been reduced to tenant farmers as a result of the Ottoman land laws would now be unwelcome on the land altogether.

Dr Arthur Ruppin, of the Palestinian branch of the Zionist Organisation, who was in charge of colonisation:

'Land is the most important thing for our establishing roots in Palestine. Since there are hardly any more unsettled lands in Palestine, we are bound in each case to purchase the land, and settle it, removing the peasanys who cultivated the land so far, both owners of the land and tenants."

This is about all i care to type, to wisen some people up, please don’t reject it. This is history; television and newspapers are not. This is the root, and if not the only place to start, it is the logical source of the nationalism that arose, and i’d just like to quote the Balfour declaration, to demonstrate how ‘lawful’ the settlement is now, even from the estimation of Imperial Britain-

HM Government favours Jewish settlement in Palestine, it being clearly undertsood that nothing shall be done to prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

Edwin Montagu (a jew), British secretary of state for India-

I assume that means Muslims and Christians are to make way for the Jews… you will find a population in Palestine driving out its present inhabitants, taking all the best country…Palestine will become the world’s ghetto’

Montagu also argued that Jews were a culture and not a nation, and to create one would increase European anti-jewishness by suggesting that Jews were something distinct and apart."

All i mean to say, by direct and laborious quote from a history book that is respected and central to any programme of study on the subject, is that the shit began by a great injustice, and we expect the shit to stop, when the injustice hasn’t.

[quote]dannyrat wrote:
I just don’t like colonialism. If you reply, i bet it will have nothing to do with anything i’ve said. If you can’t intelligently debate it, just be quiet. How is business going anyway?[/quote]

I don’t like colonialism either. What the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China? That is not even part of any conversation going on here. Why throw it in now? I can’t stand Oprah - big ficking deal.

The problem is - and you have been told this by many on here besides me - you don’t display intelligent debate.

You refuse to correct errors you have made - and laugh it off as someone nitpicking. The post of yours I replied to was pretty much about neoconservatism - which you were told by at least two different people was wrong. It still is. If you can’t get it on that elementary of a level - why should I think you know anything beyond that?

That’s not part of this thread, but whatever. There are deep European roots in Israel. There are deep U.S. roots in Israel. Israel has every right to exist within the borders that it had up until the Roman Empire - they were displaced, and were allowed to come back home. I don’t think the Euro State has much gas, and will never happen - especially with all the islamo-nazi sympathizers over there.

I have opinions on just about everything. I certainly have opinions about you and your overly inflated self-image.

But just so you know - telling me NOT to do something is a pretty good fucking way to make sure it happens as often as I see fit. I know you are young dumb and full of cum - but don’t think for a second you are about to order my old ass around.

I could care less if you agree with me or not. You are a troll. I hate trolls.

You order me not to post in your threads - and then you call me a fascist? How fucking stupid are you? My God - and you can’t figure out why I think your posts are worthless punk-assed drivel.

This is a U.S. board - tough shit. The rest of what you wrote has to be a lie - because you are as indoctrinated as any knob-polisher out there.