Still Living Longer Stronger: Feel 20 Years Younger in Just 6 Weeks!

My copy should arrive tomorrow .

Anyone else having issues with Amazon delivering this book, says it a supply chain issue

was supposed to receive a week ago, then today, now the 11th of January

Mine arrived without issue.

I decided to splurge on a hard cover print copy. It had a much later delivery date (late January) than the paperback version. Sounds like they made the print books available for sale before inventory was in hand (or it sold better than expected).

Hardcopy also, maybe thats the issue

I got my paperback copy no problem, I’m in the UK though.

Love the book especially when you emphasized “Strength Training”, the stories at the end are very entertaining, makes me want to go out and buy a Vibration Machine, lol

Thanks. Good, Good, Good Vibrations.


Got mine also! Waiting for a good opportunity to read it! Does vibrations actually work? I thought that was a thing for the inactive from the past?

Adding: Found a Pubmed review from 2019: “This systematic review and meta-analyses showed a significant effect of WBV on total fat mass (kg), however clinically insignificant effects of 6-24 weeks of WBV therapy on % body fat.”

What does his actually mean?

First, you need to read Chapter 34.


I like the descending calorie dietary practice.
For a man
Start at 1600 calories
2 weeks
Drop to 1500
2 more weeks
1400 calories


300-400 calorie meals
100 calories snacks

This lowers insulin

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Just signed up to T-Nation. Reason why? Your new book. Turned 65 and getting back in shape. Saw the posts on your new book. Be ordering it today.
I’ve been looking around on various fitness books & YouTube videos for those who are over 50. Many are written by people in their 20-30’s. I don’t think so. Some are extreme.
I still work full time, 6 days a week. As a service connected veteran hospitalized twice for diverticulitis. Been changing my diet and avoided surgery.
I’ve been doing some dumbbell (purchased Powerblock 5-90lbs dumbbells) & bodyweight exercises on my own. The first two week soreness is gone.
Can’t wait to get your new book and begin a program for my age.
Thank you


When is the PDF download going to be ready?

Nothing like a 20+ or 30+ year old telling you how to train… Many maybe just fine, but many do not consider the “maturity” factor when it comes to recovery, the capacity for workload, etc.

And that is why I only post in the Darden forum on this site. The “older” trainee forum is for over 35 lifters. Heh. I suppose that is a marketing thing. If your demo averages 28 years old, why create a forum for actual older lifters if no one fits there.

In theory, I could enjoy the training logs, but holy crap do some of them get long winded just to say “4 x 12 scap retractions”.

Maybe Im just jaded.

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I perused the Amazon Prime copy, but bought the hard cover copy. It arrived today. It is very well put together. I have been trying to keep my library on my Kindle. In this case I am quite pleased with buying the physical copy.

Dr. Darden

what is your opinion of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as one of meals with a cup of fat free milk…comes out to about 450 calories

i want to say that you wrote an article on this many years ago, but i cant seem to locate it

Generally, that’s a reasonable meal.


Great book! As I approach 40, conventional training has burned me out and left me with Numerous aches and pains. I love your approach on training for longevity!
Do you have any advice on working around injuries? Just as an example, I have advanced ankle arthritis and calf raises cause severe pain walking for several weeks. Just eliminate them? Knee issues limit lower body, but I can at least do the wall squats.
Thanks for the great resource and encouragement.

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