its been a couple of times that i have tried different cycles.
for a claer reason I get amazing results while im on, tho, when I get off is when I feel worst ever!!
Im assuming I wasnt directed to quit the right way. Im an amature btw, and just realzied that I would quit at the highest dosage, and its thw worst thing to do (now I know)
my next cycle is Anavar, building up from 10 40 and back down in 5 weeks (i havent tried goin up and down in one cycle before). I dont wanna add nothing to it, I feel good enough just with this for now.
my question is what do you think about it?
any suggestions for the 2-3 weeks after (training wise vol and int, and what to use)
any way it is possible to quit without PCTs?
thank you so much.
I dont think anything makes me shake my head more than seeing “post cycle therapy” pluralized.
Pyramiding the dose is a complete waste of time. There is absolutely no reason to do it.
What have you used for PCT in the past? Actually lay out your previous cycles in detail.
And no, there is no way to effectively stop cold turkey. Some method for retarting the HPTA must be employed.
my last one was anavar ( I just love this stuff)
3 weeks of
1st- 20mg
2nd- 30mg
3rd- 40mg
and then i stopped and lowered vol alot for 2 weeks later, WITHOUT taking anything.
I used to use Nolva before, but I may get detected, thats why I need a way to get out of the cycle using other PCT that has a shorter detectiong, and just as productive if possible.
now my plan is:
7 sections of 5 days
1-5 days- 10mg
6-10- 20
11-15- 30
15-20- 40
21-25- 30
26-30- 20
31-35- 10
35-49- clen as PCT
35-4 weeks later HGH 4x 2IU per week
what do you think?
p.s I forgot to mention that the first cycle I described, I didnt take anything, just lowered work vol.
[quote]rockssteady wrote:
35-49- clen as PCT
Where is this garbage coming from?
dont know?!?!?!
what would you suggest…?
that also is not detected 3 months later?
Weeks 1 - 4
Sustanon 250 - 1,000mg per week
Testaviron depot - 1,000mg per week
Anadrol50 / Anapolan 50 - 100mg per day
Weeks 5 - 8
Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week
Testaviron depot - 1,500mg per week
Dianabol / Anabol - 50mg per day
Deca durabolan - 400mg per week
Weeks 9 - 12
Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week
Testaviron depot - 250mg per week
Deca durabolan - 400mg per week
Nolvadex 10mg per day all through
Proviron - 50mg per day weeks 2 to 6.
Commence Clomid week 10 - 50mgs per day for 14 days
HCG - 2 shots per week of 2500iu with the Clomid
This is a big cycle, and very androgenic. I swear by Testaviron. Side effects may be high, hence the use of Nolvadex throughout, and the use of Clomid commencing 14 days afterwards, and HCG before the end of the cycle. The use of HCG gets your own testosterone levels up before any fall in androgens. There is a degree of tapering in this cycle due to its high testosterone amounts.
I dont remmeber forcing people to answer, tho if you want a boost to you meat head ego, its cool.
all I asked was for that cycle i was doing ( I know its not much, but thats all I need now), what would be a good taper so cortisol wont ruin my performence for 2 months later, while I wont get detected (b/c pct such as nolva etc has 3months or more detection time).
You can’t force people to answer, but then again, you can’t force people to not answer. It’s obvious you’re using AAS in a tested competition, and for that I think you’re a cunt.
You’re using AAS in a TESTED competition… who’s the one who needs the ego boost?
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
You can’t force people to answer, but then again, you can’t force people to not answer. It’s obvious you’re using AAS in a tested competition, and for that I think you’re a cunt.
You’re using AAS in a TESTED competition… who’s the one who needs the ego boost?[/quote]
I like this guy!!!
Im def another guy the needs the ego boost, just like 90% of people that play college football or anything like that.
actually just like you, only we got some skills. and we dont just pound weights