Steroids Problem.....

Hi All…my friend started a cycle of dianabol at 20 mg a day a couple of days ago, 2 to be exact. He called me tonight complaining of burning under his nipple like it was on fire. It was also sensitive to touch and also had little lumps underneath. I told him that was the symptoms of gynecomastia. After all I have read about steroids on this site, I didn’t think that was a sympton until a couple weeks in, if at all. Why is he getting this at such a small dosage so fast? What should he do from here? I have done my fair share of reading on the subject, but never a user so I dont know what to tell him to do…thank you

Well, i doubt its gyno right now, but you never know.
Its tough to diagnose this stuff reading 3 sentences on the internet.

Its quite normal for men to experience inflamed and sensitive nipples when initial training starts. Not even mentioning the supplements, regular healthy men get inflamed nipples from the hormones going throiugh their systems when they get into the iron.

Another note. 2 days of d isnt enough to screw him up. Tell him to stop taking the gear NOW until he researches and does a proper cycle, i can tell you right off from the start that what he is taking isnt a good beginning.

[quote]maxx power wrote:
Another note. 2 days of d isnt enough to screw him up. Tell him to stop taking the gear NOW until he researches and does a proper cycle, i can tell you right off from the start that what he is taking isnt a good beginning.[/quote]

Ok, thanks. Not to disagree, but I have read EVERYWHERE on here and elsewhere that dbol is a great starter, especially at a low dose and short cycle. Everybody on here seems so start off with dianabol. Why is his cycle so bad with it?

[quote]golferguy12 wrote:

Ok, thanks. Not to disagree, but I have read EVERYWHERE on here and elsewhere that dbol is a great starter, especially at a low dose and short cycle. Everybody on here seems so start off with dianabol. Why is his cycle so bad with it?


You made it seem as though dbol was the only thing he was taking. I’d imagine he’s taking something else, like test, yeah?

[quote]Schwarzenegger wrote:
golferguy12 wrote:

Ok, thanks. Not to disagree, but I have read EVERYWHERE on here and elsewhere that dbol is a great starter, especially at a low dose and short cycle. Everybody on here seems so start off with dianabol. Why is his cycle so bad with it?

You made it seem as though dbol was the only thing he was taking. I’d imagine he’s taking something else, like test, yeah?[/quote]

No dbol is all he is taking. I’ve read on here a lot of times that a lot of people start off with a short cycle of low dosage dbol and then go into something different like deca. I read this one incident (not on this site) where all the guy took was dbol and he said it was the best cycle he ever did. Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought peopole were just taking dbol on here…

Most recommend Test only for first time cyclers.

Welp. There are some people who are very prone to aromatization. He is going to have to lower the doese by at least half, or get an AE. I don’t recommmened this lightly. I am not a fan of AE’s but if you need’em, you need’em.
This is usually more of a problem for endomorphs; am I right in his case? Just curious.

[quote]pat36 wrote:
Welp. There are some people who are very prone to aromatization. He is going to have to lower the doese by at least half, or get an AE. I don’t recommmened this lightly. I am not a fan of AE’s but if you need’em, you need’em.
This is usually more of a problem for endomorphs; am I right in his case? Just curious.[/quote]

Maybe he would be better off adding a drug like Proviron. It binds to aromatase and steroid binding globulin, thus, reducing aromatization and making circulating test more available for steroid receptor stimulation.

Tell your friend to stop being afraid of needles, he’s supposed to be a big boy.

We have tons of guys here in NYC who only take d-ballz. Does your friend have spikey hair and a tan resembling an old basketball?

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

You might be partially right in your assertation that gyno tends to be more of a problem in those individuals with a higher bf% as the aromatase enzyme lives in/exerts its effects in adipose tissue. BTW, it’s AI as in Aromatase Inhibitor, not AE… Peace. Bushy ;)[/quote]

Sorry for the hijack golferguy12. I am curious, what is the optimum bf% when starting an AAS cycle? I am speaking in terms of both the reduction of aromatization and the best utilization of the AAS.

Proviron works well, but I think Nolvadex works even better based on my own experience. Cut back to half the dosage and start adding 20mg of Nolvadex per day.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

Hmmm, well the ‘optimum’ bf % would of course be 9.7%…

J/K mate, there is no ‘optimum’ that I ama ware of, although the lower the better in terms of aromatisation I suppose, though the inclusion of an AI would make this redundant.

Depends too, on your goals. If you are concerned with physique, then the lower the better (obviously, lol).


I have done some research on the subject (bf%/AAS), but did not come up with much. Your post on the subject makes perfect sense to me. I will try to get to 10-12% bf before starting my first cycle. Although I have much more to learn first. Thanks for replying to my question Bushy.