Steroids / Peptides for injury?

Hi everyone, new here.
I used to deal with bad wrist pain down the pinky side years ago, done tons of physio, ended up finding I needed my ulnar nerve released so opted for surgery 2 years ago. Since then I’ve had bad elbow pain where the surgery was (wish I never got the surgery). I’ve done a load of physio, cut out refined carbs, take loads of supplements to help with inflammation, ice etc. I had cortisone injection via NHS which made it worse. I’ve done 2 courses for 1 month with BPC157 one was with TB500 which helped a tiny bit but not massively. Naproxen seems to be the only thing that helps but I obviously don’t want to take this forever.

I’ve been looking into taking some other form of steroid maybe anavar/Deca or might even go down the growth hormone route as I’ve heard this can help with joints etc. I had an MRI and they said theres nothing unusual apart from where I had surgery. I’ve taken a good month off training which didn’t help either. For context, a normal bicep curl with 8kg brings bad pain, hammer curls are OK, all pull movements hurt, push is OK. Looking for some advice whether a form of steroid would be good or trying some form of peptide / HGH?

Steroids cause inflammation. They do not help it or help heal injuries.
BPC157/TB500 stacked is the best i have found to aid in recovery.
How do you know inflammation is the cause? If that was the case the cortisone should have helped tremendously.
I feel there is something else going on here.

Brings pain where?

Appreciate the reply. I am just assuming its inflammation based tbh, the pain comes around the funny bone area where the surgery was. I’ve tried TB500 stacked with BPC for 1 of the courses too forgot to mention sorry, but didn’t help too much. Thoughts on HGH?

In my experience it’s not great at helping resolve injury unless run at higher doses for extended periods. Don’t think it’s worth it.

When you did the TB/BPC what was the protocol and duration?

At the end of the day you really need to know what is going on with your elbow otherwise you are just throwing darts.

Did you have ulnar nerve decompression or transposition surgery?

Rates of reoperation are much higher with the decompression technique over nerve transposition

Have you had imaging done? Perhaps you have irritated scar tissue that needs to be debrided and/or you have continual nerve entrapment.

I’ve had ulnar nerve entrapment albeit at guyans canal (in the area of the wrist where the ulnar nerve crosses)

Surgery completely fixed the issue

Around a month all in all, twice a day about 400mcg BPC and 200mcg TB in total for a day. I’ve seen a few physios and orthopedic surgeons who haven’t given much help. Then had an MRI and was told they can’t see anything major. I have just moved to Dubai so might even go down a stem cell / PRP route…

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Thanks, it was decompression and its only made it so much worse. I never had elbow pain before this, but a tendon would flick round my elbow before causing wrist pain. I’ve had X rays, ultrasounds and MRI a few people have looked and can’t find a major issue. So frustrating

Do you have insurance to see an expert e.g. go somewhere like the steadman clinic?

By that I mean you’d do a telehealth with one of the US based doctors for like 300 pounds. You’d submit your imaging, all doctor/physio notes and have a video consultation with one of the docs who can provide an opinion. Steadman clinic are THE guys for athletes with sports injuries AND they’re THE guys for the “weird and the wonderful”.

Marc Phillipon for reference pioneered hip arthroscopy.

I say this because no offence the NHS sucks… I’m Australian and our socialised healthcare route is even worse than that of the NHS.

Think 3 years just to get an appointment for an elbow suregon and now our privatised healthcare system is so fucking clogged even paying out of pocket can entail a 4-18 month wait to see a good suregon. Specialists can entail up to a ten year waiting period… so bad some people with serious diagnoses e.g. tumour die before they can see someone.

You can try stem cells/prp. Evidence is better for prp than it is for stem cells. Not saying stem cells don’t work… we just don’t have much in the way of data proving they work. Particuarly the Mesenchymal stem cells often used in stem cell therapy.

Thank you mate I appreciate that information. I will absolutely look into the Steadman clinic. I’ve just relocated to the UAE so I’m awaiting my health insurance to come into play. At £300 though that seems more than worth it. I went private in the UK and even then, they are limited with options and will only provide any treatment the NHS would typically offer so it’s no good, let alone they couldn’t find the problem.

I lived in Dubai for 11 years, and whilst I never required assistance around injuries etc. I did learn, that you can pretty much get any medical help you require, easily and quickly

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Yeah im in Dubai atm and things are definitely more accessible here which is great. Just weighing up options atm!

I have found that growth hormone stimulating peptide (Sermorelin) has helped with general recovery rate but not explicitly helped with injuries as much as BPC-157 has. I am not 100% on the efficacy of pharma grade BPC-157 vs research chemical too, I have had reports from our clients that the pharma grade that we get at our clinic is stronger than they get from gray market for most compounds, people don’t always look at / know the dosing correctly. I had a small rotator cuff tear and 2 month course of BPC-157 helped a lot with the healing process.

I haven’t tried personally but have heard nothing but good things about stem cells for site specific injuries that are persistent, especially when these are degenerative injuries in nature) like cartilage resorption. It seems stem cells are the most effective ‘alternative’ therapy option out there outside of surgical approaches. Will cost a lot but what you are trying to do (similar to BPC-157) is stimulate your body’s healing process within that area, so site specific stem cells administered by a medical practitioner may be a good path to explore. GH peptides will support that same thing but its non targeted in how it works so it’s your general body’s regeneration that will improve… not enough localized impact to help an injury like that.