Just wanted to know for those of you whos blood pressure increases when using steroids what do you put in place to manage it?
I am 3 weeks into a relatively low dosed cycle of test and tren and found that i was getting regular headaches so went and had my blood pressure checked and it was 160/95 which is a very high reading. I am now going to get checked every couple of days to confirm the results before coming off the cycle or going to see a doc.
It was similar on my last cycle of test only but short of ceasing use entirely is the only real solution meds if you cannot decrease this yourself? as 3 weeks in i would not expect to have such a high reading as don’t have much water retention and have been completing some cardio which i would not do if not on cycle.
The same thing happened to me, my BP is always in the low 120/80 range off cycle, but on a cycle of 750mg/wk of test with 400 mg/wk of tren it jumped to 150/110. I found that a cycle of lower test (200 mg/wk) with higher tren (400-600 mg/wk) lowered it to around 130/80. In addition, I added hawthorn berry, magnesium and lowered my sodium intake and increased my adex.
I am not sure if it is the lower test or the supplements and lower sodium or maybe a combination of both, but it is down to a reasonable level now. I would suggest that you buy a blood pressure monitor (around $50) with the larger cuff and check it a few times a day.
Hey guys thank for the posts - haven’t had a chance to get on here to check for a while. Yes i am using an AI - Arimidex. I have since dropped my test and upped my tren slightly which seems to have alleviated some of the probs i was having such as headaches etc. I have since bought a blood pressure monitor as well which i received this week. Took my first reading on the home machine yesterday and it was 145/85 which is better but will continue to monitor it reguarly to get an average.
[quote]Tunafish1 wrote:
Hey guys thank for the posts - haven’t had a chance to get on here to check for a while. Yes i am using an AI - Arimidex. I have since dropped my test and upped my tren slightly which seems to have alleviated some of the probs i was having such as headaches etc. I have since bought a blood pressure monitor as well which i received this week. Took my first reading on the home machine yesterday and it was 145/85 which is better but will continue to monitor it reguarly to get an average. [/quote]
What is your specific dosing? How many mgs of tren? What is your AI dose? What is a basic description of your macronutrient and water intake? What about alcohol and smoking? Have you noticed moderate to severe swelling in your feet and lower legs?