First cycle I know I hear good and bad about halotest and dbol I’m just not wanting to put needles in me just yet to be honest I want to do a trial run of oral steroids of halotest and dbol cycle I’m just curious about a PCT what would be best route or is it needed for a oral cycle any info would be appreciated it. I’m 32 now and worked out most my life.
I’m 185 lbs generally flux up n down good shape eat like a horse
From my experience and what I actually did as a first cycle (1971) was 8 weeks of 10mg per day of Dianabol.
I would never take Halotestin, and never did, as we felt it was a poor muscle builder.
PCT was unknown to me in those days, so, in my case, I did no PCT. When I did begin using PCT, I only used HCG for 20 days, starting two weeks after my last injection or a week after my last oral.
Anavar for 6 weeks
SERM for 4-6 weeks