Age: 25
Height: 178cm
am Weight: 220lb (compete 220lb class)
BF: 16%
Training experience 10 years (ex sem-pro rugby)
Cycle experience: As below
Best Comp Lifts @ 200-210lb
Squat: 600lb
Bench: 405lb
Deadlift: 700lb
National and International Champion
Cycle experience:
Bodybuilding emphasis
Dbol only - 6 weeks
Anavar/winny only - 6 weeks
Test e 300mg/wk - 10 weeks
Test e 500mg/wk - 12 weeks
Test p 40mg eod, tren a 100-200mg eod - 12 weeks
Same as above plus anavar 100mg ed - 12 weeks
Test e 300mg, tren e 300mg mast e 300mg - 14 weeks
Powerlifting/strength emphasis
Anavar 100mg ed, halo 4 weeks out 40mg ed - 8 weeks
Test e 500mg/wk, anavar 100mg ed, halo 4 weeks out 40mg ed- 8 weeks
Test 1200mg/wk (ester mix), halo 4 weeks out 40mg ed - 12 weeks
Sust 250/wk, Tren E 800mg switched to 700mg Tren A 4 weeks out, Halo 40mg ed - 12 weeks bridged 4 weeks into 4 more weeks same cycle.
PCTs all gone fine, containing nolv, clomid and HCG. also used anti prolactins while on tren, anti Es like arimidex and aromasin while on cycle and also proviron. Most can’t tell wether I’m on or off which i see as a good sign. I try and stay off as long as on in the year but sometimes its not that easy.
Now ill be cutting water for a 24hr weigh in. Last comp i managed to shift 12lb a piece of piss. If i really needed to i can shift 22lb (10% BW).
I will also run a pyramid T3 protocol 12.5/25/50/75/100/75/50/25/12.5/12.5 running clean maintenance level 3500Kcals with am/pm cardio (dog Walks) and 3xWeekly Sprint Sled session. I’m doing this to shift as much fat as possible. As a powerlifter i have always been told to just do more instead of eat less if i am hoping to get rid of fat. I don’t see why i couldn’t shift 12lb of useless fat weight while gaining muscle and still getting stronger. Chad Wesley Smith believes this is possible and on this cycle so do i.
I have taken into account ester weights when switching from Tren E to Tren A. Last time i did this i found 700mg Tren A a little more potent then 800mg Tren E. The reason i’m using Tren E to begin with is purely because i find Tren E sides a lot easier to manage. Insomnia/sweats/aggression hit me hard with Tren A but the strength gains for Tren A are like a rocket up the ass where Tren E they’re a lot more steady. Sleep is a massive importance so swapping 6 weeks out should give me restful sleep for atleast the first 6 weeks.
12 Weeks Out
Sust 250mg EW
400mg Tren E EW
250mg Deca EW (for joint support and nothing more than to aid Tendonitis in my elbows)
30mg Dbol ED
Caber 0.5mg E3D
Aromasin 25mg EOD
10 Weeks Out
Sust 250mg EW
600mg Tren E EW
250mg Deca EW
30mg Dbol ED
Caber 0.5mg E3D
Aromasin 25mg EOD
8 Weeks Out
Sust 250mg EW
800mg Tren E EW
250mg Deca EW
Caber 0.5mg E3D
Aromasin 25mg EOD
6 Weeks Out
Sust 250mg EW
200mg Tren A EOD
250mg Deca EW
30mg Dbol ED
Caber 0.5mg E3D
Aromasin 25mg EOD
4 Weeks Out
Sust 250mg EW
220mg Tren A EOD
250mg Deca EW
40mg Halo ED
30mg Dbol ED (Depending on reaction at the beginning of cycle i may bring it back in for the added strength gains)
40mg Nolv ED
Caber 0.5mg E3D
Aromasin 25mg EOD
Just asking for any opinions, advice anyone has?