Age: 32
Height: 5’8
Weight: 180-185
Estimated body fat 10-12%
Have not been on tnation in a while, so hopefully I am on the right forum here. Thanks for any input.
Approximately 32 year old male here, have been on Cytomel 25mcg for approx. two years. Was prescribed (I believe) for a non-primary hypothyroidism, primary depression/anxiety, as well as for general metabolic boost, as well as energy, mental focus etc.
I was never diagnosed with hypo, but TSH had been perhaps as high as low 3’s, (I cannot recall at the moment, but can search for bloodwork for you fellas).
After being on it for a bit and getting regular bloodwork though the psych/endo/functional guy who had RX’d (he was all three), I know my TSH had dropped a fair bit, maybe as low as into the mid 1’s.
At one point I was prescribed and tried levothyroxine as well (cannot remember dosage), but it made me quite amped up and I stopped taking it. At times the cytomel did the same, but I got used to it (was on Fluoxetine for much of the same time period, so that lowered the anxiety).
Currently I’m not taking any RXs other than the occasional xanax, ativan, and atenolol (all taken relatively rarely).
I am trying to determine whether or not I can / should lower the cytomel dose as I am no longer seeing the functional doc and my doc in town says if I am going to continue on cytomel i should get my TSH etc. levels tested as he believes 25mcg is a high dose of T3. (I’m not sure I think he’s right btw).
I am in between insurance coverages and as such I’m trying to determine whether or not it’s safe to continue on cytomel, or I should just taper right down. I have been taking 15mcg for the past week or so and have been generally inconsistent with my dosing. Part of this is being absent minded and part of it is deliberate: the prescription is expensive now that I don’t have insurance and the doc saying I should get my blood work done has concerned me a bit.
Basically I don’t want to destroy my thyroid by continuing on, but I also don’t want to taper off this stuff if it’s going to wreck me further unless I’m doing under doctor supervision. Also have a nasty anxiety disorder that’s currently not being well controlled with fluoxetine so I’m hyper concerned about detrimental mental effects of continuing (or not) the cytomel - at least until I can get a new doc and new blood work, which will probably be another couple months on at this point.
Any input on how I should proceed, or anything I should be aware of is helpful. Thanks.