Tuesday night, Bush will address the new Congress and the nation again, with his State of the Union address. Let’s discuss!
What will he say? After 6 years in office, does anyone anticipate any new ideas? Another Lets get the steroids out of baseball, maybe? Mission to Mars, Part 2?
Will Bush congratulate Nancy Pelosi on accomplishing her First 100 Hours agenda? Will Bush be conciliatory towards the brand new Democratic majority?
Personally, I hope Bush says something about the slaughter in Darfur. I want the US to pressure the UN to take action there. That is something good and positive that George Bush can and should do.
I’m going to try to tune in, even though I find the president un-fucking-watchable anymore.
Stay tuned for the Democratic response, which will be given by the new senator from Virginia, Jim Webb. Senator Webb is the guy who knocked off George Allen, driving Allen from the senate AND the 2008 presidentail election (Allen was considered a GOP presidential front runner, 'til Webb cleaned his clock. Allen’s political career is probably over now). Jim Webb is my favorite new senator. Webb’s a real firecracker, or as they say in Boston, he’s a real pisser. I can’t wait to hear Webbs response.
Keep an eye on Senator Webb, he is one to watch in the future.
Boy have I got a surprise for all of you! This morning, I snuck into the speech writer’s office today and stole myself the rough draft copy that was given to them to smooth out by G.W. himself! I know, I know, this must have been very dangerous and you’re all so impressed with my bravery…let’s look at some of the highlights:
He starts off by drawing a stick figure drawing of himself at the podium with everyone standing and clapping…there’s an arrow pointing towards him with the statement, ‘that’s me’ written.
After several lines of the phrase, ‘I don’t wanna do this,’ there is a picture of a duck wearing a beanie and sporting an umbrella(?).
There’s some scribbles and the packaging from a Abba Zabba candy bar stuck to the document with half-chewed Abba Zabba.
At the bottom of the document is the word peace and apparently he tried to draw the peace symbol but it turned out looking like the red cross symbol.
It’s signed Roy Rogers(?) and there’s a drawing of a bomb and Iran…great.
[quote]spurlock wrote:
Boy have I got a surprise for all of you! This morning, I snuck into the speech writer’s office today and stole myself the rough draft copy that was given to them to smooth out by G.W. himself! I know, I know, this must have been very dangerous and you’re all so impressed with my bravery…let’s look at some of the highlights:
He starts off by drawing a stick figure drawing of himself at the podium with everyone standing and clapping…there’s an arrow pointing towards him with the statement, ‘that’s me’ written.
After several lines of the phrase, ‘I don’t wanna do this,’ there is a picture of a duck wearing a beanie and sporting an umbrella(?).
There’s some scribbles and the packaging from a Abba Zabba candy bar stuck to the document with half-chewed Abba Zabba.
At the bottom of the document is the word peace and apparently he tried to draw the peace symbol but it turned out looking like the red cross symbol.
It’s signed Roy Rogers(?) and there’s a drawing of a bomb and Iran…great.
Knowing your kind, when you stole the rough draft, you said, “I smell El Diablo here. I smell sulfur!!”
[quote]hedo wrote:
Does it really matter what he says? You’ll be against it regardless whatever the message is.
If Bush walked on water the Democrats would respond with “Bush can’t swim”.[/quote]
Actually, it does. Some of us would be quite content if he acknowledged the fact that the US people no longer support his old policy. Or even if he acknowledged congress as an entity of power equal to his own. If he talks about helping Darfur or tightening environmental standards, we’ll be content as well.
Obviously, none of us expect any of that. And we REALLY don’t expect him to say he’s wrong about anything. We’ll probably hear him dismiss the congress as unimportant, and talk about his surge as if it was what was best for the American people.
I sincerely hope his message if different than that of the past speeches he’s given. But I’m always disappointed.
Which George Bush will show up? The cocky swaggering slap-the-podium George Bush, or the stiff, glazed-over and nervous looking George Bush? I’m betting it’s the latter, seeing how his popularity is at it’s lowest ever.
How many seconds into his speech will it take, for Bush to mention 9-11? I’m going to guess 90 seconds.
How many mentions of Osama Bin Laden or Afghanistan? I’m guessing zero.
Fun drinking game: take a sip every time Bush says the word “switchgrass”, “steroid” or “Mars”.
[quote]Brad61 wrote:
hedo wrote:
Does it really matter what he says? You’ll be against it regardless whatever the message is.
If Bush walked on water the Democrats would respond with “Bush can’t swim”.
Well I’m not going to pretend I don’t think Bush is doing a spectacularly terrible job.
I don’t support failure, but you go right ahead. [/quote]
Yes it’s a horrible economy. Medicare just going terrible and gas prices are thru the roof. Oh wait the are all doing fantastic.
The Dems won on a single issue. Iraq. Stick with that.
By the way the surge that the Democrats called for before the November elections that they then flip flopped on after Bush went for it, it’s going well. You won’t read it in the MSM but results are already happening. The Dems will probably flip flop back and support it in a few weeks.
[quote]Brad61 wrote:
hedo wrote:
Does it really matter what he says? You’ll be against it regardless whatever the message is.
If Bush walked on water the Democrats would respond with “Bush can’t swim”.
Well I’m not going to pretend I don’t think Bush is doing a spectacularly terrible job.
I don’t support failure, but you go right ahead. [/quote]
I don’t support failure. I was simply pointing out the comical nature of Bush derangement syndrome and using you as a case in point. Didn’t the dems run on biparitsan cooperation?
[quote]beowolf wrote:
hedo wrote:
Does it really matter what he says? You’ll be against it regardless whatever the message is.
If Bush walked on water the Democrats would respond with “Bush can’t swim”.
Actually, it does. Some of us would be quite content if he acknowledged the fact that the US people no longer support his old policy. Or even if he acknowledged congress as an entity of power equal to his own. If he talks about helping Darfur or tightening environmental standards, we’ll be content as well.
Obviously, none of us expect any of that. And we REALLY don’t expect him to say he’s wrong about anything. We’ll probably hear him dismiss the congress as unimportant, and talk about his surge as if it was what was best for the American people.
I sincerely hope his message if different than that of the past speeches he’s given. But I’m always disappointed. [/quote]
I just wanted to point out that you haven’t been paying attention to George Bush within the last year.
Over and over he has acknowledged mistakes. He’s stated he wished he hadn’t said, “dead or alive” or “bring it on.” He’s fired rumsfeld. He said just the other night that without a change in policy, the Iraq war would continue to falter. Finally, he stood up in front of the nation and stated that the mistakes that were made he takes responsibility for. He publically stated that the two previous offensives in Baghdad was failures.
If you have any interest in learning the facts, let me know and I’d be happy to link them. I haven’t done so because I have a feeling I would be wasting my time.
I know, don’t let facts get in the way of your BPS (Bush psychosis syndrome).
Finally, I DO NOT want any more apologies from him going forward. I want action.
[quote]bradley wrote:
Which George Bush will show up? The cocky swaggering slap-the-podium George Bush, or the stiff, glazed-over and nervous looking George Bush? I’m betting it’s the latter, seeing how his popularity is at it’s lowest ever.[/quote]
Wait a second, don’t you always say that Bush doesn’t listen to the people? If he is as large of an ideologue as you say he is, why would he care about the electorate or the smelly polls?
Man, I have to pat myself on the back. I’ve identified every single one of your little schemes. Either he’s too cocky for you or he’s too humble. If he should ever hit exactly the right note (aka post-911) you’re either silent or change the subject.
You have all your bases covered. He cannot possibly do anything at any time that will meet with your approbation: The essence of BPS (Bush Psychosis Syndrome).
So what? The American people have short memories. As he announced after it happened, the War is the central focus of his Administration.
Will you admit if you are wrong? I won’t be holding my breath.
You should drink less and think more.
In summary, I think bradley=lumpy=100 meters.
On the slim chance that you aren’t the same person, you certainly are a hardcore, unflinching, and unoriginal partisan.
[quote]Beowolf wrote:
hedo wrote:
Does it really matter what he says? You’ll be against it regardless whatever the message is.
If Bush walked on water the Democrats would respond with “Bush can’t swim”.
Actually, it does. Some of us would be quite content if he acknowledged the fact that the US people no longer support his old policy. Or even if he acknowledged congress as an entity of power equal to his own. If he talks about helping Darfur or tightening environmental standards, we’ll be content as well.
Do you wear flowers in your hair and beg at the airports? Make you ‘content’? Helping Darfur? Jeez, you are a hippie, of 1960’s style.
The good old USA, milch cow for the world, here to ‘be helpful’ and make every flaming hippie in the world content — what a bucket of liberalistic slime!