So I’ve been on test e 400 a week for around 4 months with a mix with added tren E 200 and mast E 300 separately tho as i know when I do all 3 it’s shuts me down. I wanted to start my pct I took my last test E alone on the 30th of April. I normal start my pct a week later with a hcg in two 0.5m jab and I start taking
Nolvadex - 2 x 20mg for 45 days
Clomid-2 x 50mg for 30 days
Just wanted any advice as to if this would be suitable as I have used it before. But it’s all ways good to get someone else opinion.
Still don’t understand the use of two SERMs for PCT. Does one do something the other doesn’t? Is there some magic synergy I’m not aware of? They both block the e2 receptor in your brain, which is what you need. Bombarding that with high doses of two drugs isn’t gonna get your HPTa up and running any quicker. Just asking for more sides.
Well I know Clomid helps with fertility. And I’m going with what everyone else has told me to do so I thought I would ask on here how long should I wait to start. And all 3 of them have worked for me in the past. Like I said I was only asking a time frame to start