Started Test E Only Cycle But Changed My Mind

Hello there.I have some questions and you guys can help me out(more experienced dudes here)
I’ve just started my first ever steroid cycle.After hours of reading…and reading i’ve decided to take 500 ml test E (2 x 250 ml/week) for 12 weeks followed up by a decent PCT.

I also take .5 mg adex eod .My meals are ok,taking my supplements,getting rest…
I’m 26 years old,192 lbs 5ft 10 and 18-20% bf
My BIG question is…is it wise to run Tren starting from week 4 to week 12 ??I was thinking 300ml/week .
I need all the help I can get.Thank you guys

First off you are taking 250 mg not ml pins. There are also plenty of cycle submissions floating around on here. Do some more research Tren can have harsh sides depending from person to person. And you say decent PCT what are you planning to take?

leave the tren out for your first time around. and if you do run tren then have some caber on hand for prolactin issues. Research pct. nolva clomid…if you were taking aromasin instead of adex then you could taper it and run it throguh your pct. check out hcg as well… itd make coming off easier but your cycle is simple so its not like your shut down with heavy androgens for a long time.