I started posting here a while back. After trying Maca and other natural methods, doc tried Androgel for 2 months, no help. Tried Axiron for 2 months and levels went DOWN to 175! Finally got doc to prescribe 100mg/wk using 2 inj/wk like the protocol suggested. She is hesitant to add an A.I. or HGC. but I didn’t want to push too hard, figured I’d address it when I get my next blood work. Can I expect the type of gains that a normal guy would get going on his 1st Test.Cyp.only cycle and if so, should I increase my diet to maximize any gains?
You will probably get hungrier just by taking the T…
You are right about that!
I can’t tell you what to expect, but I can tell you what happened to me on cypionate only. As far as gains from working out, I’ve gained muscle. Probably what I would’ve gained without T, if I had normal T levels. Before trt, I was working out, but wasn’t getting anywhere. No size gains, no strength gains. Now that I’m injecting, I’ve had noticeable muscle gains, and strength gains. I’ve been told that why I’m still struggling to lose fat, is because my E is still high. But I can’t get an AI prescribed because my bp is high. My argument is that my bp went up because my T dose was too high. It was 200 mg/wk. I’ve since lowered my dose myself(to 100mg/wk) to try to alleviate my E symptoms.
So, my point is that even with high E, I’ve still made gains. I would think you should too.
Hey Gossamer, thanks for the informed reply. That is one of the concerns that I needed to address, just didn’t want to ask too much for in my post. It’s bull that our docs don’t want to do the research. Mine is a woman who wouldn’t think twice about my wifes’ hormones. At least she finally relented and let me start self inject. Have you considered buying an A.I. online or do you think your doc will break down and perscribe one. Also, how long have you been using test.?
[quote]trhoads155 wrote:
Hey Gossamer, thanks for the informed reply. That is one of the concerns that I needed to address, just didn’t want to ask too much for in my post. It’s bull that our docs don’t want to do the research. Mine is a woman who wouldn’t think twice about my wifes’ hormones. At least she finally relented and let me start self inject. Have you considered buying an A.I. online or do you think your doc will break down and perscribe one. Also, how long have you been using test.? [/quote]
The thing that’s aggravating me, is that she was going to prescribe arimidex at my last visit, while she knew my bp was high. I asked if we could lower my dose from 200mg/wk to 150mg/wk, to see if the lower dose would lower my E. Even going with 25% less T per week, I still had occasional bad E symptoms. So I called to see if I could get the arimidex she wanted to prescribe before. After playing phone tag for almost 2 weeks, I was told she wouldn’t prescribe it because of my high bp. My next blood work and dr.'s appt is in a month, so I’ll see if my lowered again dose(100mg/wk) lowers my E, while keeping me in a good T range.
And yes, if it comes down to her not prescribing an AI, and I need it, I will consider buying online. Ultimately, it’s my health, so I need to do what’s best for me.
And my first injection was July 9th. So I’ve been on cypionate for a little over 3 months.
Sounds like we are in the same boat. I really appreciate your info and it might be beneficial if we stay in touch to share our results. By the way, do you self inject?
[quote]trhoads155 wrote:
Sounds like we are in the same boat. I really appreciate your info and it might be beneficial if we stay in touch to share our results. By the way, do you self inject? [/quote]
At 100mg split into 2 injections per week, you may not need an AI. Just keep an eye on your numbers, and E symptoms if any.
And yes, I have self injected since the first 200 mg injection I got at the dr.'s office on July 9th. That first 200mg injection caused bad E symptoms two days after the injection. I had horrible anxiety. I had never had anxiety in my life before that. Luckily, because I did my research here and other places, I knew the anxiety would pass. I woke up the next morning, and I was much better.
I self inject 60mg 2x week - first few months I had high E2 levels and it caused ED . I was pissed because my dr would not rx me the ARIMIDEX I needed , but did not want to loose my T rx so I did not vent on him . I ended up buying research chemicals online and now my e2 is perfect and ED is gone . do what you can to get E2 in control because it is counter productive to T use.
[quote]Sir toddington wrote:
I self inject 60mg 2x week - first few months I had high E2 levels and it caused ED . I was pissed because my dr would not rx me the ARIMIDEX I needed , but did not want to loose my T rx so I did not vent on him . I ended up buying research chemicals online and now my e2 is perfect and ED is gone . do what you can to get E2 in control because it is counter productive to T use.[/quote]
I agree with this too.
IF your Estradiol is too high with your 100mg/wk dose, AND your doctor won’t prescribe an AI, THEN you need to think about getting an AI elsewhere.
It’s possible that you may not need an AI with your dose. See what your test levels are.
From my brief(3 month) experience, high e symptoms are not fun. Not to mention the long term bad effects from high estradiol levels.
Thanks Sir, I wonder if S. Africa has the same type of drug restrictions that the US has. Is the outfit you buy your research chemicals in S. Africa? I would appreciate it if you would send me some info on the lab.