Hello everyone, I am brand new to the site and forums and trying to do some research on body building. I am doing this because I want to start my first â??realâ?? cycle and wanted to learn anything from anyone who can point me in the right direction, what to do, what not to do, etc. I want to become an expert before I start. I am 25, 180 lbs, 6â??5â?? and I think about 12-15% body fat. Never had been able to put on muscle and keep it permanently.
Couple years ago, as a foolish guy with no clue what he was doing and wanted a shortcut to building mass, I did an oral cycle with dbol for about 6 weeks, and did not follow through with nolvadex(?), anti-estrogen post-cycle, which was suggested to me. In that cycle, I fucked around, drank booze and did not nutrition or work out properly but still put on 20lbs but within a year, lost those gains, so I assume it was more water weight then actual muscle gains.
I am at a point where I am sick of working out consistently yet never able to keep my gains due to a super fast metabolism. I describe myself as in between an ectomorph and mesomorph body-type; lean, athletic build, wide shoulders, and defined muscles/tone when I was able to keep the gains before losing it fast if I didnâ??t keep up with working out and due to my fast metabolism.
I am looking in to a cycle with test, without stacking anything, for a 10-12 wk cycle. If it is feasible, please write down some advice, experiences, facts/rules to follow, what to do, what not to do, anything else I need to know before starting. Thanks!
years working out/training: 5 (never really following through with plans)
bench: 185
Squat: 185 (never pushed hard because of lower back pain)
Cycle: aiming to do 250mg of test wk 1-4; 500mg rest of standard cycle
Is this reliable for a standard cycle where I don’t want to stack for my first time
Goals: 185-195 lbs with 6-8% body fat
Are my goals realistic?
What do I need specifically for PCT?