I ask that this doesnt turn into some kind of religous debate or derailed thread as it concerns a matter close to my heart right now. Thank you in advance for your kindness and patience.
Recently I have been having a lot of what I consider to be major life issues. My patron saint (the one that I chose at my confirmation) is saint Jude (the patron saint of the hopeless causes). I chose him because he was my late grandfather’s favorite saint (he passed before I was born, but he was a very important man in my family). I was going through some of his things, and I found old holy cards and novenas to St. Jude and I thought about doing one of the novenas. Some of them say things like “It has never been known to fail” and things like that. I have never completed one before and wanted to ask a few questions.
Has anyone ever done one? Do you feel like it helped?
I cannot say what my issue is right now, but just know that I feel like it is not a very common one, and I dont feel like any answer I can come up with is a good one besides sit and wait.
I have done many novenas, including those to St Jude. I believe in novenas. They are an intense prayer and it takes work. They should not be viewed as superstition but just as they are- which are prayers. Be sincere, pray with all your might, and at the very least you will gain greater clarity regarding your issue. God bless
I am not sure if my prayer has been answered or not, but I have decided that what was on my mind is something that I will deal with in time. I have also decided that I am going to go back to meeting with a psychiatrist to talk about my anxiety and related anger issues.
As promised, the prayer goes…
"‘May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved, and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us.’
You must say it 9 times a day for 9 days. On the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. Publication must be promised. Thank you St. Jude."
Im gonna start again tonight, for related issues. Thank you for your kindness and understanding.
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
If you truly have faith turning the care of your burdens as well as their outcome over to your god always helps.[/quote]
Hallowed, This just hit me like a ton of bricks. Thanks for this.
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
If you truly have faith turning the care of your burdens as well as their outcome over to your god always helps.[/quote]
Hallowed, This just hit me like a ton of bricks. Thanks for this.[/quote]
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
If you truly have faith turning the care of your burdens as well as their outcome over to your god always helps.[/quote]
Hallowed, This just hit me like a ton of bricks. Thanks for this.[/quote]
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
If you truly have faith turning the care of your burdens as well as their outcome over to your god always helps.[/quote]
Hallowed, This just hit me like a ton of bricks. Thanks for this.[/quote]
Aww, man, you changed your avatar.
I loved your old avatar. [/quote]
Are you talking to me or TV?
I has changed mine several times!
More changes coming up…