Spy Balloons and UFOs: What Are We Blasting Out Of The Skies?

Someone here on the internet must have the inside scoop about what’s really going on with all of the objects being shot down over North American Airspace, not to mention the Hawaiian Space Lasers.



It was actually my shipments of intergalactic weaponry.

I am pretty pissed right now.


It reminds me of the mystery seed packets a few years ago.

It seems like a good way to guage and test our responses, like our mail system, our radar and airspace security, military readiness and response, etc.

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I would not be surprised if these are nothing but distractions from whats really going

the governments are up to something


Every government is always up to something. That’s a constant.

I like the theory of China testing the US’s responses.

It does all wreak of a distraction though I agree, I mean these balloons are so damn big they cannot be missed. Better ways to spy on America, especially from the sky, so I doubt that’s their purpose. Something that big feels more like a weather instrument. But again…why?

The least believable explanation is that it is a government test…a test by the U.S. government…to see just how gullible its population is.

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If I were to think nefariously-

  • I’d say that its to gather information on patterns.

The seeds timed and tracked our parcel system, then popped up all over social media as “Why did I get this seed packet” which can also be monitored and contribute to the time/location distribution info.

Covid and how it spread exposed how we move through air travel and general population movements- up and down the urban centers and coastal regions, back & forth through the fly over territory, seasonal differences in the location of outbreaks, then how those outbreaks dispersed. Like hot spots that light up all over a map starting at one epicenter and fanning out to create others.

Then how our medical system handled overloads and population level crisis and response, which areas had stronger system capabilities and where it was weakest.

And our supply chain! Holy smokes that thing is delicate as fuck!

Now these baloons come drifting through our air streams at different elevations which indicate the movement of our air currents, and the media is more than happy to announce any sensitive areas that one may have come near like nuclear missile sites.

Our operational security sucks.

We better hope that all of this intel isn’t being processed to be used strategically or weaponized somehow.

I mean, we just saw over the past couple years how a small airborne particle can turn things upside down.

I’d really hate to see what something engineered with bad intentions and directed according to all of the information we’ve exposed over the last few years would turn out.

Everybody would be fighting over their red team/blue team feels while our entire population is decimated.

But thats ridiculous to consider. Way too cynical and fantastical to actually happen.

Its not like they could wipe out half the nations food supply and industrial production by floating a bunch of airborne toxin through the great lakes region, Chicago, detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and parts of New York state.


Yeah, let’s not go there.

I’ve never really thought of that. That’s pretty crazy. Just did a quick Google search - those metropolitan areas + the surrounding areas make up probably more than a fifth of the country’s population.

I can hop in a car right now and drive for a few hours (in the right direction) without necessarily seeing another person. It’s weird for me to imagine living in such a densely populated area with so much stuff going on.


And they’re all part of the same weather system.

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Another reason I am glad I live in a sparsely populated area relatively.


We could do all of that to China, much more easily and more effectively.

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Well folks, it turns out that the UFO debris may never be found. Officials have said so.

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We probably do at some level with surveillance satellites among other things.

Its not the lie that gets you, its the cover up, right?

It was the cover up of the lie that first got me back in '94.

That year was a blur for me.

Let me tell you about '94. You missed a lot of government cover-ups, lies about the cover-ups, and cover-ups to distract from all of the lies, some of which involved layers of cover-ups within lies about cover-ups.

Is it really a lie though if you tell it to somebody who then repeats it as the truth?

Clintons are groundbreakers in the field of word laundering.

Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) • Instagram photos and videos