Spock's Official T-Nation Transformation

I’m bumping my own thread. Few parts nostalgia, few parts hormonal over contemplation.

I feel like I’ve made zero changes since this post.

Hovering between 120 and 130 and strong enough for an intermediate, but clearly never stepping outside of that category.

It’s kinda like a weird place of OK, I got better, but I have no idea how to get better than my better.

I like to think there will be a third addition to this post with notable improvements and a general defiance of prime age and peak progression times being behind me.

Don’t quote me on that though, hahah.

Maybe I’ll just stay better than my past, and never get better than my better, but better than my past is better than worse than my past and better than worse than my better.



If your 40 can be similar to your 20, you’re way better at 40