I know there are many South African’s on this site and I would like to hear your opinion on this video.
I just want quote what was said in the comments,
“Karma is a bitch, ain’t it.”
My $0.02
I know there are many South African’s on this site and I would like to hear your opinion on this video.
I just want quote what was said in the comments,
“Karma is a bitch, ain’t it.”
My $0.02
Looks a lot better than it used to. Poverty is not racial all applicants are excepted.
[quote]streamline wrote:
Looks a lot better than it used to. Poverty is not racial all applicants are excepted.[/quote]
I agree fully.
[quote]BluePfaltz wrote:
streamline wrote:
Looks a lot better than it used to. Poverty is not racial all applicants are excepted.
I agree fully. [/quote]
OK, I’ll take a stab at this.
Firstly, I was born and grew up in SA up until 2 years ago when I moved to the UK, at 21. I’ll start by saying it’s very much different looking at the situation in SA from the outside.
The overall situation in South Africa has been on a decline for the past decade. Crime has gotten worse, inflation is higher than ever, the Rand stands poorly against major world currencies and corruption & the government is a joke. 1 power company and 1 phone company holds a monopoly over everyone, with extortionate prices and services.
Due to host the Football/soccer world cup in 2010, I think SA will demostrate very well exactly what a failure it is becoming. I hope to eat my words when the crunch comes, because I love the country.
To say “poor whites” or “poor blacks” is wrong. Everyone living there is to blame to a certain extent. Bad decisions have been made in the past, and yet they are running the country with uneducated muppets who appoint their equally uneducated friends to run alongside them, basking in the uncontrollable corruption. False promises are made over and over by the ANC, yet the majority keeps voting them back into power. It’s a fucking joke.
Look at how a Senior Cabinet Minister avoids the reporters questions at 13:30, turning it around into something else. This kind of action is typical throughout any goverment related inverview in which their motives behind certain actions are questioned.
Heard of Jacob Zuma? This man is up for charges of corruption and is a convicted rapist, yet he is well set to become the next president of the country. ANC youth leaders have threatened to “randomly start killing people who do not support Zuma in the upcoming elections. If you don’t like the fact the Zuma is going to be the next president, then leave.”
Affirmative action & BEE is wrong on every level, I don’t give a fuck how they try to justify it. A white male is last on the list when applying for a job in most businesses, regardless of qualifications. Race and sex takes preference over how much experience you have and how many degrees you hold; whether you are qualified to actually do your job doesn’t really matter.
[quote]rsg wrote:
Electricity situation:
- YouTube [/quote]
South Africa’s on its way back to the stone age. They had a space program just ten years ago.
People from the US and Europe who mock what’s happening over their forget that we’re importing millions of third worlders here, faster than we can handle and assimilate them. I wonder what the mockers will do then.