[quote]TheZ-Man wrote:
Professor X wrote:
doogie wrote:
If you are too big of a bitch to put your shit away, get the fuck out of the gym.
If you are too much of a bitch to be able to lift one 45lbs plate, get the fuck out of the gym.
Prof X…Put your fucking weights away and drop the tough guy attitude!
That was funny. If you can’t do one 45lbs plate a side, you are the one wasting time. If I felt that a woman was coming behind me much weaker, I would remove all of the weight. Most women can do that much as well, however. Don’t get mad at me because you happen to be weak as hell. It’s a squat rack. I personally would hate it if the person before me stripped all of the weight and spread the plates out to weight trees all across the gym. That means it is now a complete workout just to get all of the plates I need. It is even worse for leg presses. No one here has stated they leave twenty 45lbs plates on the machine. Get over it.
As far as how anyone should act in a gym, much of that depends on where you train. If you lift weights at some preppy neon flooded “family fitness center” where everyone only uses machines and anyone curling 35lbs is seen as Mr. Atlas, then you will probably have to remove all of the weight. I go to a real gym…one of the last from what I can tell. It isn’t flooded with soccer moms jumping on exercise cycles while reading the latest romance novel and people actually squat in the squat rack (go figure). I can only guess that this is where you train though.
The cold analytical side of me would say “These sicks assholes Dominate. They are the Alphas. They have won. They do what their ‘heart’ desires, and we can only whine and bitch about it. These assholes display their pissing-marks with smoke, and drive the non-alphas out of there. So in the end, theoretically smoke-free bus stop is just the opposite, a smoker-full zone. Way to go, Assholes.”
Tried and true solutions would be most welcome. Thanks in advance!
Dan C,
They are not the Alphas, they are the Alphaholes - just don’t fall into them.
Another thing is that there are signs all over the gym that say put your weights back. Now forget common courtesy, what about just following the rules and I understand if we sometimes forget but some “forget” way too many times.
What’s the rule at the gym? If the rule is strip the bars, then strip them.
I think it’s bullshit to diguise laziness as machismo, and to replace common courtesy with rudeness.
That’s the main reason I’ve got my own gym. I can leave the bar full if I want, and the only one I might be imposing on is my wife.
But I just tell her that stripping the bar is pretty good GPP, and that I’m not selfish for leaving the bar with 425 on it, I’m giving her an opportunity to improve her fitness level.
Fuck the rules!! Use your common sense, what annoys me more isnt a couple 45’s either side the bar but when some dickrider has left a load of miniscule weights either side including the cuffs and I have to take them all off, I really dont understand what all the fuss is about ‘putting all your weights away’ you guys that insist on stripped bars should hire an idiot to come and put weights on and off the bars for you, maybe even do your set as well and clean you in the showers and walk you home too. I bet none of you bitch about this kind of stuff in the gym anyway.
While some of you guys are at it, why not leave the dumbbells all over the floor? I mean, someone will use them sooner or later. Don’t wipe off the equipment (if you use any machines) when you are done. Thats a woman’s job, right??
Come on, people. Don’t be lazy. When you are done with your sets, you can do burnout “strips”. You strip the weight off the bar as fast as possible and put it away as fast as possible
[quote]gojira wrote:
And as far as putting the plates away, if it was an I.Q. test, everyone would fail (putting ‘like’ things together). [/quote]
This drives me nuts as well. Not only put the weights away but put them back where they are supposed to go. There is a desginated pin to rack each plate in most gyms. Maybe I’m just too analytical. I actually rerack other people’s plates around the area I’m using in between sets.
Whaaa!whaaa!Whaaa! My pussy hurts! I dont want to lift weights when I go to lift weights!
What ever happened to a little bit of testicular fortitude?
Oh my goodness I had to lift weights today when I went to the gym! Can you believe those lazy jerks?Leaving weight on a bar, of all places!
Let me guess, the next complaint is that it messes up your conentration and breaks your “Zone”. Can’t be doing plate math when lifting.
Just grab the plate by that lip that runs around the outside of it.Call it the “grip lip”, work on your strength, and be thankfull for the opportunity.
God knows that there have been about a gazillion threads started on how to improve your grip.
Or go home,watch Oprah, and have yourself a good cry.
[quote]lmjudek wrote:
I see nothing wrong with leaving a 45lb plate on each side. Since most people probably do that much, it should serve 'em right. [/quote]
Again, see the posts above about people who are too short to squat with the bar at its current height!!! I can squat more than many guys at my gym (with better form), so I don’t need 45s on the bar to remind me to lift a lot. I do, however, have to take them off so I can move the bar from wherever the last 6-foot-tall guy left it to where a 5-foot-tall person can use it.
Back when I used to go to a gym that didn’t have an identity as such, a lot of the “bench 225 or even 315 by bouncing it off your rib cage so that you can see the ribs moving” crowd would leave weights on the bars just to (try and) show off how much they were lifting.
When I left there and went to a more powerlifting oriented gym everyone put their own plates away–no one felt the need to show off.
In my college gym there were work study students to put the weights away.
In my own gym now I do what I want!
But I do wonder why some people are complaining about “getting a full workout just getting the weights together for a workout”.
If moving a plate or two at a time wears you out, what are you doing lifting anyway?
[quote]shorty_blitz wrote:
Fuck the rules!! Use your common sense, what annoys me more isnt a couple 45’s either side the bar but when some dickrider has left a load of miniscule weights either side including the cuffs and I have to take them all off, I really dont understand what all the fuss is about ‘putting all your weights away’ you guys that insist on stripped bars should hire an idiot to come and put weights on and off the bars for you, maybe even do your set as well and clean you in the showers and walk you home too. I bet none of you bitch about this kind of stuff in the gym anyway.[/quote]
So you think people shouldn’t take off the weights, but then you think people should take off the weights?? Whoa. A flip flop! COOL!
Also, I think the main issue is that people don’t care and expect people to clean up after them. Just like someone else said, some people squat at different heights. Maybe they’ll use the squat rack to Push-Press. Who knows. Take off the weights. If you can load the bar, you can take weights off the bar!!
After you’re done filling up your vehicle with gas, would you leave the nozzle in the car and drive off while it sits on the ground? Don’t think so…
[quote]TheZ-Man wrote:
There you go again Prof X, making assumptions. [/quote]
No assumptions at all. I told you where I trained and made sure you understood why this is not an issue. I said I “guessed” this was where you trained. You skipped over all of that to make a post about assumptions. Admit it, if no one else give a damn, why would it be an issue to someone over the internet who insists that I can’t leave a 45lbs plate on the bar?
Clean up after yourselves. If leaving 45’s on the bar is acceptable in your gym then go ahead and leave them there. My gym’s rules are to re-rack all the weights; I re-rack all the weights. I dont expect to have to clean up after someone else and I dont expect anyone to have to clean up after me.
[quote]BuckeyeGirl01 wrote:
lmjudek wrote:
I see nothing wrong with leaving a 45lb plate on each side. Since most people probably do that much, it should serve 'em right.
Again, see the posts above about people who are too short to squat with the bar at its current height!!! I can squat more than many guys at my gym (with better form), so I don’t need 45s on the bar to remind me to lift a lot. I do, however, have to take them off so I can move the bar from wherever the last 6-foot-tall guy left it to where a 5-foot-tall person can use it.
Um… considering the fact that most people are just about my height, and use the squat rack for squats, I don’t see the problem. If anything, I’m saving 80% of people some time by leaving the plates on. The other 20%… well, I don’t mean to be a dick, but sometime the majority rules.
have you ever heard of the modulus of elasticity? It is a graphic depiction of a materials elastic behaviors under stress until breaking. So unless the metal that the bar is made of is very soft or stretched past point ab and to the point of permanent elongation/compression, it will not “warp”.
Unles you using a gold bar or something.