Social Etiquette

At the risk of sounding elitist or pompous, reading some of the posts, I get the feeling that the following might be happening to some of us who don’t conform to the standard of the ‘sheeple’.

I went to see a couple of friends of mine, they invited me into their home, they knew I was coming(short background… I am helping the male of the couple I visited with his conditioning and training). There was a very attractive girl there. After a couple of awkward minutes, I decided to introduce myself to the ‘little honey’ sitting almost opposite me.
The point of this post is… Do other members find that it is almost assumed by other people that because someone is large, obviously works out…and is quite gregarious normally… should , in all cases, take the intiative and introduce themselves? It has been very rare for me to experience a ‘host’ who will take the time, or show the courtesey of making an introduction.

This is a very minor irritation, admittedly. But it does make me feel somewhat uncomfortable, almost as if I am not worth the time to introduce. Or that it is somehow ‘up to me’ to do so because I am, well… apparently a really handsome, well built guy…
I have some ideas why this could be…I would like to hear other view points and experiences…

Actually in reply i’ve noticed concerning from my expierences older people holding “funtions” tend to be better hosts.
So in answer to your question YES! when going to parties and thew like with people my own age.
Also after you introduce yourself then they have no problem (poor hosts)to volunteer your moving skills because were “BIG&STRONG” and have nothing better to do!

thats my rant for today

[quote]mowgli1959 wrote:
At the risk of sounding elitist or pompous, reading some of the posts, I get the feeling that the following might be happening to some of us who don’t conform to the standard of the ‘sheeple’.

I went to see a couple of friends of mine, they invited me into their home, they knew I was coming(short background… I am helping the male of the couple I visited with his conditioning and training). There was a very attractive girl there. After a couple of awkward minutes, I decided to introduce myself to the ‘little honey’ sitting almost opposite me.
The point of this post is… Do other members find that it is almost assumed by other people that because someone is large, obviously works out…and is quite gregarious normally… should , in all cases, take the intiative and introduce themselves? It has been very rare for me to experience a ‘host’ who will take the time, or show the courtesey of making an introduction.

This is a very minor irritation, admittedly. But it does make me feel somewhat uncomfortable, almost as if I am not worth the time to introduce. Or that it is somehow ‘up to me’ to do so because I am, well… apparently a really handsome, well built guy…
I have some ideas why this could be…I would like to hear other view points and experiences…

I like to throw parties and I make damn sure, that I introduce people to each other. Hell, I try to hook people up, I guess that would make me a party pimp!

Even if it is not a party, and I have just a few friends over I try to make everything cool for the people that don’t know each other. And that takes alot of work to keep everyone happy and comfortable with each other.

Now try being a big hispanic in an all white party and nobody introduces you to anybody. I know the first thing I said was “Damn, I’m just a mocha chip in this vanilla shake”! I just went ahead and introduced myself to alot of people, who are still my friends to this very day.

Sometimes hosts don’t know how to be “Hosts”! There could be so many reasons why they didn’t introduce you and maybe you will never know. But, you did it all by yourself, and that takes balls!

It’s just a matter of people not knowing apparently. Most of my life I was pretty small (5’5, 130ish), and I always found I needed to introduce myself to others as you indicated except with one or two friends who seem to know better. Now I’m more than happy to do so and it doesn’t bother me, but I do make an effort to introduce unfamiliar people if I’ve invited a group of people over or am hosting a party. I’m afraid most people have no knowledge of basic social etiquette anymore though.

Agreed…basic manners and social skills are lost on most people these days.

However, if you have manners, you have no excuse not to use them.

I love to hear people say how polite my 9 yr. old son is. It will serve him well throughout life.

Agreed, there are few things as impressive to me as polite little kids.

[quote]hedo wrote:
Agreed…basic manners and social skills are lost on most people these days.

However, if you have manners, you have no excuse not to use them.

I love to hear people say how polite my 9 yr. old son is. It will serve him well throughout life.[/quote]

Ten-four hedo.

I don’t like to lump people in to categories - to stereotype - but, in general, people suck. Manners and eticate have been all but lost. Men don’t open the door. Women don’t cook. Honesty, character, integrity, and common decency are reserved only for Harrison Ford characters at the box office.

I pride myself in these though. Others seem to frequently not know or just simply not care.

So, to whomever started this post: Dude, it is not you; it is them. You are better. Period.

Bastard F*ck Guy