So Many

Look, I didnt call you a moron, so dont get your panties in a twist. I was addressing that remark to those who make ridiculous close-minded overly conservative remarks, based on what they watch on fox. Maybe you said things that would fall into that category, I dont know. Self proclaimed liberals say foolish things as well, but there seem to not be many of them on the forums, relatively speaking. I just find it interesting.

[quote]Joe Weider wrote:
Cause I support Moore’s right to be a fat fucking lying dirt bag pig–just so you know.
In fact, I’d buy him a couple of cheeseburgers if it would help him have that heart attack sooner.

Moore probably eats soy burgers which explains alot.


You are the type of person that is bascially dead weight around here. You come onto the greatest muscle building site on the Internet and what do you do? With your 18th post you attack at least half of the members with a blanket statement. (shaking head) I have plenty of respect for many of the liberals on this board, Elk and vroom to name just two.

These guys have the capacity to put forth an argument and deal with the criticism that follows. I would guess that most of our more liberal members (the ones who matter at least) are not all that impressed by your attitude either.

Why don’t you step back and try again?

[quote]Afoliata wrote:
Why are there so many active republicans in the forums?
Currently my thought is that most remotely intelligent people with any bit of perspective can see that arguing with these guys for too long is fruitless, and as such they simply don’t bother. That is the reason why I don’t respond to hardly any of the laughable, ignorant views that are expressed. Sure I respect your rights to be fucking morons. But don’t think you are justified because I and many others dont reply to your drivel. Most of us just dont bother with your poorly thought out, tired, close minded, dogmatically skewed logic. [/quote]

Perhaps you need to, “think more next time. Use the preview button.”

[quote]ZEB wrote:
I have plenty of respect for many of the liberals on this board, Elk and vroom to name just two.

These guys have the capacity to put forth an argument and deal with the criticism that follows. I would guess that most of our more liberal members (the ones who matter at least) are not all that impressed by your attitude either.

Why don’t you step back and try again?

Elk and vroom are liberals?

Big time! Oh, I shouldn’t speak for Vroom. Hey the comments were inflammatory and many people are biting like wipers blasting the shad! I used to get into these arguments and get myself all worked up now I personally choose to focus on the positive aspects of the members of this great site. So, for those that enjoy the debate or battle by all means battle on!

My own father is a life long democrat and I love him dearly. Never let politics get in the way of a good relationship. Fight it out, whatever your views might be, then forget about it. :slight_smile:

[quote]ZEB wrote:
My own father is a life long democrat and I love him dearly. Never let politics get in the way of a good relationship. Fight it out, whatever your views might be, then forget about it. :)[/quote]

well pretty much exactly.
The guy who’s pretty much my best friend in the world is damn near a communist…he was a big time supporter of Dean.
So every once in a while, just to tweak him, I’ll go “YEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHH!”

[quote]ZEB wrote:
My own father is a life long democrat and I love him dearly. Never let politics get in the way of a good relationship. Fight it out, whatever your views might be, then forget about it. :)[/quote]

Not to turn this into a lovefest (wheres my Joan Baez tape) but ZEB’s right on the money! I don’t agree with the majority of his political views, but I feel he’s a damn good man none the less!

[quote]Elkhntr1 wrote:
ZEB wrote:
My own father is a life long democrat and I love him dearly. Never let politics get in the way of a good relationship. Fight it out, whatever your views might be, then forget about it. :slight_smile:

Not to turn this into a lovefest (wheres my Joan Baez tape) but ZEB’s right on the money! I don’t agree with the majority of his political views, but I feel he’s a damn good man none the less![/quote]

maybe you guys should go to a chatroom or something???

I’ll summarize my thoughts like this:

  • I’ve met smart conservatives;
  • I’ve met smart liberals;
  • I’ve met smart people who occasionally have bouts of stupidity or emotional, irrational outburst of idiocy;
  • I’ve met many full-blown idiots;
  • and I’ve met many full-blown idiots who pretend they know anything about what they think they believe in.

This board has good examples of each and every one of these people. Which is no surprise.


Perhaps your political expectations are skewed because of wher you live. I too live in NYC (Battery Park City) and find that most people I run into on a social basis are liberal and democrats.

I also find most of them do not have a reason why they are of that affiliation other then it is popular and au currant to do so. If being a communist or maoist were percieved as cutting edge then that would be their affiliation. It’s what I find ammusing about the city in general.

[quote]hspder wrote:
I’ll summarize my thoughts like this:

  • I’ve met smart conservatives;
  • I’ve met smart liberals;
  • I’ve met smart people who occasionally have bouts of stupidity or emotional, irrational outburst of idiocy;
  • I’ve met many full-blown idiots;
  • and I’ve met many full-blown idiots who pretend they know anything about what they think they believe in.

This board has good examples of each and every one of these people. Which is no surprise.

Oh c’mon, hspder - you can do a much better vroom impression than that.

Quit stating the obvious and jump in with both feet.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Quit stating the obvious and jump in with both feet.[/quote]

C’mon, you can do better. You know I’ll need a little more incentive than that… :wink:

[quote]hspder wrote:
C’mon, you can do better. You know I’ll need a little more incentive than that… :wink:

How about…gimmee a sec here… How about extolling the superiorities of the Euro-centric socio-political belief system. That’s gotta be worth a page or two, no? :wink:

[quote]rainjack wrote:
hspder wrote:
C’mon, you can do better. You know I’ll need a little more incentive than that… :wink:

How about…gimmee a sec here… How about extolling the superiorities of the Euro-centric socio-political belief system. That’s gotta be worth a page or two, no? :wink:


It’s a throw down now!

Gotta love it when some goofball starts a post like that and then tries to state that thats not what he meant.

Here is a clue Douch Bag- It is all in writing organized sequentialy.You can’t possibly think that anyone would misconstrue your origional post.Don’t even try to take it back.The wording was unambiguous and the message came through very clearly.

I declare shenanigans on this TROLL!
Oh yea, Almost forgot-HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY.

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Gotta love it when some goofball starts a post like that and then tries to state that thats not what he meant.

Here is a clue Douch Bag- It is all in writing organized sequentialy.You can’t possibly think that anyone would misconstrue your origional post.Don’t even try to take it back.The wording was unambiguous and the message came through very clearly.

I declare shenanigans on this TROLL!
Oh yea, Almost forgot-HAPPY SAINT PATRICKS DAY.


As somebody who despises (for lack of numerous/disgusting better words) most if not all politicians, republicans in particular. Your post really lacks any substance or sign of intelligence at all. Either way we can all have our opinions so you have fun thinking that.

Wow, I’m so amazed at the love fest springing out of this thread that I’m at a loss for words.

Sniff. Sniff.