The thought occurred to me, as I read through the titles of the current threads, that if there are so many liberals espousing so much liberal propaganda – why can’t you people win any elections? .
Did you ever stop and think about it? If the liberal position was the “correct” position, why are you a minority everwhere? You are a minority in the House of Representatives, the Senate, the President, and now even the Supreme Court! You are even hold a minority of the state governorships! What happened?
I assert the following to give plausible reasons for this phenomenon:
(1) The once noble Democratic party – the party of Truman and patriotic Americans like him – has been hijacked by the ultra-left wing liberals, who are more like SOCIALISTS – wait – YOU ARE socialists – than traditional democracy-loving patriots.
(2) The Democratic Party is full of loud, screaming individuals like Al Gore and Hillary Clinton who:
a) always blame America first!
b) are constantly telling us how bad our country is.
c) are more interested in providing handouts to people who would rather not work than performing the government's constitutional job of protecting us.
(3) You guys cozy up to terrorists – take Cindy Sheehan and her “love fest” with the Venezuela dictator. Why hasn’t any of your “top dogs” condemned this?
(4) The Democratic Party is chock full of Bible haters. Sorry to inform you of this, but the vast majority of Americans like the Bible – at least they respect it! You win no friends here by making a mockery of God’s Word or God Himself. The fact is that most of America – except the way out of the mainstream liberal coasts – is religiously conservative.
(5) The Democratic Party has become a far-left liberal monolith ? can you imagine a major “pro-life” Democratic candidate? You cannot, because it cannot happen. There is room only for one view when it comes to abortion and a whole host of other issues in the Democratic Party. At the same time (even though I agree with the pro-life position) the Republican Party has many major candidates that have the “other” view on this and other issues.
I could say more, but suffice it to say that America has rejected liberalism and has rejected the Democratic Party. Sure you guys are huge in New York, California, Washington, Oregon and a few other ultra-left wing places. However the vast majority of America holds conservative and traditional values and the fact is you cannot win elections without these regions.
So libs – keep up the good work! You will only ensure the further demise of your party, the further erosion of your once iron grip on power, and hopefully the continued diluting of your political influence.
Someone on another thread actually made the idiotic point that “America is not a democracy.” Well, it is a democracy, and the people have rejected your liberal, America-hating positions.
Let the left-wing wacko flaming begin!