Snickers Commercial Pulled

I would hate to group all gay people under this, so I would like to get the thoughts and feelings of everybody on this, especially our homosexual members.

I actually thought this was one of the better commercials during the superbowl. Now it is being pulled because certain people find it “offensive”.
Part of me wishes that the company would tell them to go fuck off, and run the add everyday.

“Gay rights” seem to have gotten out of control. What is being complained about here is absolutely fuckin ridiculus.
I hope that this will follow the cycle that Ian King always talks about. For a long, long time gay people were unfairly persecuted and now their seems to be a swing into the other extreme. Talk about thought police.

Completely blown out of proportion…

political correctness sucks, and the gay rights groups should fuck off.

i supported them, now I don’t. Its a commercial, its supposed to be funny.

I wouldn’t really say it was blown out of proportion. GLADD and the HRC told Masterfoods (who makes Snickers, ect) that members of their community were offended, and Masterfoods voluntarily pulled the commercial. If anything, I would say the problem got resolved fairly diplomatically.

However, I think when you say “blown out of proportion” I think you actually mean “How on earth is that offensive?!”

The commercial explicitly implies that gay men are inherently not manly. Gay men don’t view themselves as inherently unmanly, thus I can understand the offense. As it would be, average gay men tend to be nearly to average straight men in all studied aspects except gender preference. I don’t expect you to take my word on that, though, so please do explore the literature. In any event, it doesn’t matter whether you or I believe gay men are manly or not.

So, we have established how it could be grounds for offense, however, perhaps they are just “being sensitive.” I don’t really think this is the case either. If we look at the forums here, one of the biggest and most common insults tends to equate to one person calling the other unmanly (either directly or indirectly). Someone’s temper flares, and the mighty world of internet fighting ensues. What we might realize, then, is that GLADD/HRC is at least not being any more sensitive than the members of this forum.

[quote]Bane wrote:
So, we have established how it could be grounds for offense, however, perhaps they are just “being sensitive.” I don’t really think this is the case either. If we look at the forums here, one of the biggest and most common insults tends to equate to one person calling the other unmanly (either directly or indirectly). Someone’s temper flares, and the mighty world of internet fighting ensues. What we might realize, then, is that GLADD/HRC is at least not being any more sensitive than the members of this forum.[/quote]

You say “this commercial could be seen as offensive.”

I hear “blahblahblahblah blah blah BLAH.”

Are we really this humorless as a society, this ready to be indignant, that such an innocent commercial would cause this kind of offense?

People, get over yourselves.

If ANYTHING, the commercial poked fun at homophobia in heterosexuals.

[quote]nephorm wrote:

If ANYTHING, the commercial poked fun at homophobia in heterosexuals.[/quote]

WHAT?!!! Why am I just finding out about this?
I’M heterosexual, and I will not have some fruity-ass candy bar commercial poking anything at me! I just don’t swing that way, Snickers.

I don’t see how anyone could consider the commercial homophobic.

It was kind of funny once but I don’t want to see it all the time so I am glad they pulled it.

The kiss didn’t really bother me but seeing them rip their chest hair creeps me out.

Oh please, what a bunch of crap. TV is full of gay glorification and putting down of manhood, maybe we should all freak out about all the shows that make men look like fools unable to raise a family or be good husbands.

Homosexuals have tried so much to equate their agenda with the Jews or African Americans, as if choosing to fornicate with the same sex makes them a race or ethnic group.

The homosexual agenda calls to label homophobic anyone who doesn’t bow to their plan the same way Zionists label anti-semitic anyone who doesn’t support their cause.

It just goes to show you that in America, we have the luxury to be petty.
It’s also a terrible shame that pettiness has a voice and people listen. There are to many coward in this country.

BTW, I hated the commercial, but I never ate Snickers anyway.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Completely blown out of proportion…

political correctness sucks, and the gay rights groups should fuck off.[/quote]

Well said

[quote]nephorm wrote:

If ANYTHING, the commercial poked fun at homophobia in heterosexuals.[/quote]

I’m not sure about you guys, but I laughed at the commercial in a “WTF that is so stupid” kind of way.
And by that, I mean I laughed at the guys ripping out their chest hair, not them kissing.

Homophobic? I don’t think so.

Hmm, I don’t care one way or the other, but I think there is room for people to be offended.

The ad strongly implies that there is something wrong with being gay. I’m guessing gay people might not like the idea of equating an accidental gay-like act with a feeling of revulsion and horror.

However, I don’t think one has to be homophobic to feel revulsion concerning gay acts.

I don’t think we should get upset if people state that they found something offensive… nor should we get upset if a company decides that it will respect that group of people and no longer run the ad.

We don’t all like the same things or find the same things offensive. So, why are we offended when people find things offensive when we don’t? Now that might be a more interesting issue…

[quote]jlesk68 wrote:
Oh please, what a bunch of crap. TV is full of gay glorification and putting down of manhood, maybe we should all freak out about all the shows that make men look like fools unable to raise a family or be good husbands.

Homosexuals have tried so much to equate their agenda with the Jews or African Americans, as if choosing to fornicate with the same sex makes them a race or ethnic group.

The homosexual agenda calls to label homophobic anyone who doesn’t bow to their plan the same way Zionists label anti-semitic anyone who doesn’t support their cause.


Exactly. Every single time I watch TV there’s always something about homosexuals. It’s as if they’re trying to force their life style down our throats. It was blown way out of proportion.

Besides,with shows like “Queer eye for the straight guy”,I don’t blame people for thinking all gays aren’t manly.
They do that to themselves.

As a card-carrying member of “the Gays” I thought the commercial mocked the ridiculous lengths a small percentage of ridiculous straight guys will go to to avoid being perceived as Gay.

I didn’t get what the big deal was, but then, my people seem to be working overtime lately to prove that we are every bit as dumb and literal as anyone else.

[quote]mcquaidla wrote:
As a card-carrying member of “the Gays” I thought the commercial mocked the ridiculous lengths a small percentage of ridiculous straight guys will go to to avoid being perceived as Gay.

Exactly. It has nothing to do with homosexuals being unmanly… the commercial never portrays homosexuals. Instead, it mocks the self-conscious, nervous fear some straight guys have of appearing gay.

It’s bullshit this would be pulled, this is yet another example of extremism substituting discrimination, but where do we draw the line? Everybody is offended by everything, really, grow the fuck up. Everybody advocates freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc. but the second it could potentially piss off a minority, homosexual, or religion other than Chrstianity everybody proceeds to shit on it.

Yeah, yeah, everybody can call me a fascist, I say I’m a realist. I hold nothing against gays, minorities, etc. at all. The problem is that we’re taking all this garbage to the extreme, the fact that we can’t have a little humor without an organization bitching and moaning and threatening lawsuits is ridiculous. We’re the land of the free? Any other country would laugh in the face of somebody who tried to get a commcercial like this pulled.

The more we can all just joke about little things like this, the better off the world will be. Comedians make racist/sexist/religious remarks all the time, not because they’re Nazis, but because it’s funny, it brings some humor into the lives of all of us.

This extreme reverse racism is crap, and we have to stop it because it’s essentially racism in itself. We have affirmitive action placing under-qualified people into jobs and universities, although it’s not supposed to it has happened and cotninues to (Bakke case). And let’s all be honest here, a white kid says the word ‘nigger’ or ‘spic’ and he gets sued the shit out of, a spanish or black kid calls a white kid ‘cracker’, ‘snowflake’ etc. and it’s completely ignored.

This post may have offended some people, so rather than trying to get something out of it, just complain about it, seems to be all the rage these days.

Seems to me that after the Superbowl, the media were really, really, REALLY REEEEAAAACCCCHHHHHHIIIINNNGGGGGG for a story, when they called the Snickers Commercial as well as the Prince/his guitar silhouette “This Year’s Wardrobe Malfunctions”.

How can those compare to the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake thing?

Nice try, media. Nice really really really hard try to make a story out of nothing.

The Snickers commercial- loved it.

Some people need to stop being so hypersensitive about every little thing and get over such small, minute, petty issues they have. Not just with the Snickers commercial, but about lots of things (ie: Obese kids shouldn’t participate in P.E., etc…) Again, more of the Pussification of American Society.

[quote]jlesk68 wrote:
Oh please, what a bunch of crap. TV is full of gay glorification and putting down of manhood, maybe we should all freak out about all the shows that make men look like fools unable to raise a family or be good husbands.

Homosexuals have tried so much to equate their agenda with the Jews or African Americans, as if choosing to fornicate with the same sex makes them a race or ethnic group.

The homosexual agenda calls to label homophobic anyone who doesn’t bow to their plan the same way Zionists label anti-semitic anyone who doesn’t support their cause.[/quote]

Hear. Hear.

[quote]Cthulhu wrote:
jlesk68 wrote:
Oh please, what a bunch of crap. TV is full of gay glorification and putting down of manhood, maybe we should all freak out about all the shows that make men look like fools unable to raise a family or be good husbands.

Homosexuals have tried so much to equate their agenda with the Jews or African Americans, as if choosing to fornicate with the same sex makes them a race or ethnic group.

The homosexual agenda calls to label homophobic anyone who doesn’t bow to their plan the same way Zionists label anti-semitic anyone who doesn’t support their cause.

Exactly. Every single time I watch TV there’s always something about homosexuals. It’s as if they’re trying to force their life style down our throats. It was blown way out of proportion.

Besides,with shows like “Queer eye for the straight guy”,I don’t blame people for thinking all gays aren’t manly.
They do that to themselves.[/quote]

Consider how bothered you guys are by the instance of what you see as “gay glorification” on TV… now compare that to the fact that every DAY you will hear someone use the term “gay” in a negative connotation, even when it has nothing to do with anyones sexuality (“Paying taxes is gay!”), or the instance of the term “fag” being used to describe a guy someone doesn’t like (even if its well known that the guy being called a fag is a heterosexual).

I think, after making the comparison, you should have a better idea of why some gays are hypersensitive to things you wouldnt take seriously (like a commerical that was just meant to be funny and not offend anyone).

[quote]CappedAndPlanIt wrote:
Consider how bothered you guys are by the instance of what you see as “gay glorification” on TV… now compare that to the fact that every DAY you will hear someone use the term “gay” in a negative connotation, even when it has nothing to do with anyones sexuality (“Paying taxes is gay!”), or the instance of the term “fag” being used to describe a guy someone doesn’t like (even if its well known that the guy being called a fag is a heterosexual).[/quote]

Boo fucking hoo.

Its not gonna change anytime soon, we are not all gonna hold hands in a circle around the globe and accept one another for what we are.