It’s bullshit this would be pulled, this is yet another example of extremism substituting discrimination, but where do we draw the line? Everybody is offended by everything, really, grow the fuck up. Everybody advocates freedom of speech, freedom of press, etc. but the second it could potentially piss off a minority, homosexual, or religion other than Chrstianity everybody proceeds to shit on it.
Yeah, yeah, everybody can call me a fascist, I say I’m a realist. I hold nothing against gays, minorities, etc. at all. The problem is that we’re taking all this garbage to the extreme, the fact that we can’t have a little humor without an organization bitching and moaning and threatening lawsuits is ridiculous. We’re the land of the free? Any other country would laugh in the face of somebody who tried to get a commcercial like this pulled.
The more we can all just joke about little things like this, the better off the world will be. Comedians make racist/sexist/religious remarks all the time, not because they’re Nazis, but because it’s funny, it brings some humor into the lives of all of us.
This extreme reverse racism is crap, and we have to stop it because it’s essentially racism in itself. We have affirmitive action placing under-qualified people into jobs and universities, although it’s not supposed to it has happened and cotninues to (Bakke case). And let’s all be honest here, a white kid says the word ‘nigger’ or ‘spic’ and he gets sued the shit out of, a spanish or black kid calls a white kid ‘cracker’, ‘snowflake’ etc. and it’s completely ignored.
This post may have offended some people, so rather than trying to get something out of it, just complain about it, seems to be all the rage these days.