I’m sure there’s an old similar thread blah blah blah…
Post a pic of one of your plates of food today. I’m trying to cut some fat so on my plate I have 3 grilled cuts of lamb shoulder, broccoli and homemade Guac
I’m sure there’s an old similar thread blah blah blah…
Post a pic of one of your plates of food today. I’m trying to cut some fat so on my plate I have 3 grilled cuts of lamb shoulder, broccoli and homemade Guac
I did my ultimate tacos last night and took a pic for another thread. I’ll be uploading it after work so I’ll post it here as well.
[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Not a recent pic, but nom nom nom. Bacado - bacon, scrambled eggs, avocado, sour cream, pico de gallo, with toast and home fries.[/quote]
Pico de gallo makes every meal taste better.
[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Not a recent pic, but nom nom nom. Bacado - bacon, scrambled eggs, avocado, sour cream, pico de gallo, with toast and home fries.[/quote]
A true powerlifter’s meal right there.
[quote]ADvanced TS wrote:
Am I doing it right?[/quote]
No because thats not “your plate” it’s a picture you got off the internet. Now for pennance go out to your garage or your basement or drive to your gym and snap a picture of the plates you use. Don’t make this another non hat eat or lunk alarm failure.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
[quote]ADvanced TS wrote:
Am I doing it right?[/quote]
No because thats not “your plate” it’s a picture you got off the internet. Now for pennance go out to your garage or your basement or drive to your gym and snap a picture of the plates you use. Don’t make this another non hat eat or lunk alarm failure.
I train in my basement (like a man). I will post a pic tonight.
If I forget, cause I have a touch o’ teh tardz, send me harrassing PM’s until I do it.
Let’s see if this comes out
A couple of whole eggs, lots of whites
Spinach and some small tomatoes
1/4 of an avocado
a little chipotle salsa on top
eggs were cooked in coconut oil
Pretty sure I’m gonna fuck this up. Anyways: Broiled Turkey Burgers and Mixed Veges. Same meal 3 times throughout work.
I win.
^^^^^ Is this City Barbeque? Jesus that looks deeeelish.
[quote]dnlcdstn wrote:
^^^^^ Is this City Barbeque? Jesus that looks deeeelish.[/quote]
It’s called Costas. Not sure if it’s local or not.
I eat off my gril because I ain’t washing dishes.
6 eggs and some taters. Nothing special just breakfast from the other day that looks like Africa, so I took a pic
^^^^ Blueberry and greek Yogurt smoothie makes you the winner of this thread.